Tactical Combat Ranges

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by PlotinusRedux, Aug 31, 2019.

  1. PlotinusRedux

    PlotinusRedux Lieutenant

    Aug 6, 2019
    If there's a place that already answers these questions, just point me to it. I could find out by experimentation but looking for a quick reference for the wiki.

    What are the various weapon type ranges? What are the formulas for weapon damage and accuracy drop off? Does PD basically halve the max range of all weapons? What is the boarding range?
  2. solops

    solops Cadet

    Oct 15, 2016
    Ranges do not appear in the Research description or the design screen that I have seen.
  3. PlotinusRedux

    PlotinusRedux Lieutenant

    Aug 6, 2019
    So this is the best answer I've come up with:

    The base for both lasers and kinetic is 25. That gives HV 50, Normal 25, PD 12.

    However, that starts counting from the square just outside the select reticle for Heavy and Normal, and 2 less than the reticle for PD. The recticle is +1 for FR, +2 for CR and BS, and +3 for TT.

    This gives the total values I actually measured along the X access with Y constant for each:

               FR         CR/BS        TT
            --------    --------    --------
            HV NM PD    HV NM PD    HV NM PD
    Base    50 25 12    50 25 12    50 25 12
    Bonus    2  2  0     3  3  1     4  4  2
    -----   --------    --------    --------
    Total   52 27 12    53 28 13    54 29 14
    That gets the green "in range" distance horizontally at any rate. Then to reach the target you just have to reach the outside of it's recticle.

    Or something like that.

    For a CR boarding a star base I was in range center to center at 6, which happens to be half the PD base range. I don't know if that's coincide or not, I didn't test it with other ships and hadn't thought to consider the reticles at the time--maybe it's a flat 3 from reticle to reticle or something.

    The combat grid is 90 x 60 for reference.

    Am I close, Adam?

    Last edited: Sep 3, 2019
  4. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016

    The weapon mount defines the range for kinetics and beams. Missiles have unlimited range.

    Yes for Normal and HV, 25 and 50 range respectively. PD is actually 10. The PD version doesn't explain that the range is reduced in the ship design screen, we should clarify that in an update.

    You must be right next to the ship to be able to board.

    PD is 10 range for all weapons.

    Damage dissipation with range is only applicable to beams. We don't have an exact formula. It depends on the mount type. For normal mount versions range is considered "full" (and damage is max) at range 0, 1 and 2. Then it drops more or less linearly until the 25 range, for 0.35 damage. HV provides 1.5x damage until range 8, then damage drops for beams almost linearly for 0.85 of max damage at range 50. PDs do only 0.5 of the beam max damage at point blank and then see their damage reduced until range 10.

    As for accuracy drop off with range, it's only applicable to beams and kinetics, and it depends on the mount type. It's -1% Ship Attack per square separating the ships. Point Defense doubles this penalty (-2% per square), whereas Heavy Mount halves it (-0.5% per square).

    By the way, the accuracy formula is the following (assumes point blank for beams and kinetics):

    Chance to hit = 100 / (1 + 2^E)
    E = - (SA - SD) / 16
    SA = Ship Attack
    SD = Ship Defense​

    Hope this helps.
    • Helpful Helpful x 2
  5. PlotinusRedux

    PlotinusRedux Lieutenant

    Aug 6, 2019
    Ah, since HV is 2x range, I was assuming PD was 1/2 range and trying to make that math work. So it's 10/25/50, but measured from the square past the recticle--so +2 for FR, +3 for CR & BR, +4 for TT as measured from the center of the ship (i.e., the coordinates shown in the lower right when the ship is selected).

    Boarding seems a little off. If you look below, the FR in the center is the enemy, and the CR and FR to either side have just entered range to board it. As measured from ship center to ship center, the CR is 6 away and the FR is 4. As measured from reticle to reticle (assuming this is ship size), the CR is 2 away and the FR is 1. It's like the CR is getting an extra 1 unit to its boarding range over and above the 1 from it's size. Maybe the CR's size isn't exactly 5 x 5 in size like would suggest, but is actually something like 5.25 x 5.25?


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