General suggesations

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kharn, Feb 11, 2020.

  1. Kharn

    Kharn Lieutenant

    Jan 27, 2020
    [Game version 1.0.8]

    Hello team,
    probably my last part of the game suggestions at this stage of development.

    The game is great and as I wrote, it has great potential to become not only a reproduction, but also the full successor of the Master of Orion series (at least 1st and 2nd, because 3rd was unplayable for me).
    • I am waiting for a graphics update, now it is bland (look at 'Dominus Galaxia') I hope that after the update Interstellar will have its own graphics style.
    • greater size difference in the graphic appearance of ships, now frigates and destroyers almost do not differ.
    • tactical combat is very pleasant, for me it is the best part of the game, but is there any profits from outflank and attack from behind? More chance to hit, perhaps?
    • auto-combat, which you can start/stop not just skip it.
    • battle field diversity, random obstacles could appear on the battlefield in the form of:
      • asteroids or space rocks, block movement and could destroy missiles and torpedoes as they pass through them;
      • nebula areas, may weaken shields or degrade hull, armor and ships system, or kill the crew.
    • torpedoes / missiles, they should be inefficient when opponent ship has shields, while they should do much damage when the shields are down.
    • beam / kinetic weapons, they should be more efficient, especially in possibility to hit, something needs attention here.
    • I have already written it somewhere but I will expand it. It could be useful a small class of ships i.e. Corvette (no 'heavy mount' possible). This class should be only one possible to build and refit with out star bases (or smaller space docks). Larger ones should not be possible to build without a space installation.
    • As for a space infrastructure itself, the size of the space platform could also affect the size of ships that can be built and refit, i.e.
      • none, supported class should be a corvettes (no civilian ships, except colony bases);
      • space docks, supported class should be all above and frigate, also all civilian ships;
      • star bases, supported class should be all above and destroyers and cruisers;
      • battle stations, supported class should be all above and battleships;
      • star fortress, supported class should be all above and titans.
    • as to the automatic replacement of buildings with their newer version, well it's a game feature but consider adding options to upgrade buildings in the production queue.
    • pre-warp start, it would be nice to have such a possibility.
    • crew experience, for me, the crew experience increases much too quickly. While this is understandable in combat, it should be significantly limited outside of it. Even the academy should only allow raising the level to regular / veteran crew but not higher.
    • support ships, maybe it would be worth adding an outpost directly to the star (star research / mining facility) that will support all planets in the system instead a separate ship.
    • survey ships, maybe it would be worth adding a special ship system than a separate ship (survey lab, science deck). The special could add an additional operational range (act as a scout / probe / survey ship) and may be limited to frigates.
    • greater planet diversity, i.e. ocean, arid, radiated, mountainous or giants planets etc. Rogue planets may have the chance to become a gas dwarf. And also pulsar planets rotating neutron stars (good for research outpost not for living).
    • greater planet specials, i.e. moons, subterranean caves, rings all with a unique influence for the planet (positive and negative), perhaps with the option of having to explore, as is the case with the ruins.
    • more options for outposts, i.e. planet construction with out colony in the system, star research/mining, wormhole stabilization and also they could count as barracks when it was built on the planet before colonization.
    • new races, i.e. cybernetic, avians, aquatic, subterranean
    • pirates, with headquarters (necessary for destruction in tactical combat) on asteroid belts or uninhabited planets. Pirates should reduce commerce and morale in area of activity.
    • whether it is really necessary to give free ships for the space culture? Maybe it is enough to give only bonuses.
    • more levels for the zoom of the galaxy map.
    • espionage and counter-spying, well, I'm not convinced by the feature based on leaders, it is to manual for me. I prefer solutions from the 1st Orion, based on financing and collecting information that may be out of date with poor funding for intelligence.
    Consider this as a loose reflection. I keep my fingers crossed for the further development of your game.
    All the best and keep up good work.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2020
    • Helpful Helpful x 1
  2. aReclusiveMind

    aReclusiveMind Developer Grand Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
    Thank you for this consolidated list. We will take all these items under consideration as we we produce further updates. Rest assured there is still a lot of planned new content headed your way in the future!
    • ThumbsUp ThumbsUp x 1
  3. Kharn

    Kharn Lieutenant

    Jan 27, 2020
    Thanks for reply, I can't wait for the new update :)
    • ThumbsUp ThumbsUp x 1
  4. JOM

    JOM Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    how about an emphasize on supply? Eg ammoships, supply stations, tankers, repair ships, tug ships? would be something new in a 4x game. (except Space Empires which had these ship types to some extent)
  5. Morloc

    Morloc Cadet

    Dec 11, 2019
    Hmm..."repair ships".

    MOO2 had robust ship damage mechanics. In one of their few mistakes, they nullified the fun of this too soon in the tech tree. Advanced Damage Control could be researched about the 1/3 mark of the Engineering tree.

    The ability to repair all ships completely in deep space after every combat should have been an end-game tech, or perhaps based on some costly racial perk.

  6. JOM

    JOM Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    What I meant with repair ships is definately not the full repair of any damage as it is in MOO2. I meant a more clever version like in SE4 for example where you have repair ships and facilities which have certain repair capacity per turn. If you fight against a human opponent you have to plan where to place your repair ships and repair stations on map (in nebulas eg. where they cannot be easily detected, or not too far from the combat or your ships have to much downtime till they are combat ready again) and where you have design them modular like warship blueprints, only with non-war modules.

    One tactic I choose was to organize cluster of fixed repair stations near star systems which I intended to fight - before the war began. These repair clusters have been protected by weapon sats and fighters to combat against light raiding cruisers and frigates which my opponent loved to send out. But that was just one way to organize fleet repair.

    In combination with supply ships - thats logistics, one of the most important but in computer wargames constantly neglected part of war.
  7. Captain Obfuscate

    Captain Obfuscate Cadet

    Feb 21, 2020
    New to this forum and new to the game but very old to MOO2. I agree this game can be even better. Are you giving any thought to randomizing leader skills at the beginning of each game. It will be only a matter of time until a complete list of associated skills for each developing leader is out there which, in turn, will lead to "cherry picking" of leaders by those "in the know".

    By randomizing the skills at the beginning of each game (or at least having a start option to do that) would seem to keep that facet of the game new and fresh - you never know if that sweet newly hired leader will become greedy later :)-{D> Given the (exciting) new value of leaders, this would certainly add an element of variation to the game that would always require "thinking and adjusting on the run".

    Anyway....great game!
  8. Captain Obfuscate

    Captain Obfuscate Cadet

    Feb 21, 2020
    New to this forum and new to the game but very old to MOO2. I agree this game can be even better. Are you giving any thought to randomizing leader skills at the beginning of each game. It will be only a matter of time until a complete list of associated skills for each developing leader is out there which, in turn, will lead to "cherry picking" of leaders by those "in the know".

    By randomizing the skills at the beginning of each game (or at least having a start option to do that) would seem to keep that facet of the game new and fresh - you never know if that sweet newly hired leader will become greedy later :)-{D> Given the (exciting) new value of leaders, this would certainly add an element of variation to the game that would always require "thinking and adjusting on the run".

    Anyway....great game!
  9. Kharn

    Kharn Lieutenant

    Jan 27, 2020
    thanks for joining to this post.

    Also for me, auto repair after each battle requires modification. In real you can win the battle, but with big losses you will lose the war. At the moment such a scenario is impossible. Even if you have several battles in a row, you always have a newly repaired fleet. Changing this will increase level of difficulty, but in my opinion it provides more fun and forces you to perceptive thinking, not just for one battle ahead.

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