What about Antares?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Konstantine, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    Those pesky Antarans, you can't live with them and... well let's just leave it at that, you can't live with them (but they can certainly live without you).

    Part of what made Moo2 so good was the Antarans and I am baffled as to why CTS did not feature them. Truly, here was a tried and true game feature that mostly everyone liked and was a fun part of the game so they left it out. I am baffled, as the work and concept was already done in the past, it would seem like a no-brainer to have included them. (I don't care for the excuse that CTS was going for MOO1 over 2)

    Now I realise that we will have to rename these guys but I believe that it is not only a must to include them in this game but we should upgrade their role as well.

    Let's start with their home system. You could re-create the scenario from MOO2 where these guys are trapped in their own little pocket universe or you could modify the concept and place this system on the main map with a variety of reasons why they can get out but you can't get in, (until late game tech that is).

    Realistically, how to treat their home system is the smallest of issues, it is their role in the game that I would like to see enhanced.

    Early game should see these guys basically doing some scouting. This would keep in spirit with MOO2 as they send out lone scouts to gather information much to the annoyance of all other factions.

    As the early game starts to close the Antarans should now begin to probe defences, two or three ships that execute hit and fade missions at systems and positions while attempting to capture ships and crew. (Yes, if they get a ship of yours, the systems present on said ship would be very ineffective against them in the future, if they get crew, perhaps a nasty tailor made virus against that species will become available or a neural over-ride which means they could take out a fleet or world without firing a shot)

    By middle game we should be seeing small flotillas conducting raids. These raids could be hit and run unless the raiding force has enough power to actually raze a colony to the ground in which case it should. When this stage is reached, these guys pass from being a nuisance and become a viable threat that needs to be considered and planned for.

    So far so good right? and pretty much a carbon copy of MOO2. Well lets change things up a bit then. Why have them wait in their cozy little system until you are finally ready to invade? why not let them bring the fight to you instead.

    As the late game approaches, (or triggered by one faction getting far in front of the rest), the Antarans should burst out of their system and go all out on a war of conquest (not extermination).The Antarans, or whatever name they get in this game, would no longer be a raiding force but instead would be driven to re-conquer the galaxy they once held.

    I feel that this would be more logical than waiting around until you get to them and would also require that you beat them back before attacking their home world. In other words it would be just like MOO2 except that they would be a far more serious threat to deal with.

    Bring back the Antarans Adam Solo, and bring them back with a vengeance!
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Helpful Helpful x 1
  2. Bigmo

    Bigmo Ensign

    Oct 14, 2016
    When they beat up a planet defenses, they could unleash some sort of plague that would morph their inhabitant into Antarean SuperSoldiers within X number of turn (based on population and number of marines) and leave no choice but to wipe out the infected population afterwards. Unless it is contained, the SuperSoldiers then use the local industry to strenghten the Antarean fleet.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    Yes, an event along the lines you propose could be a serious threat that would add some late game interest as well. You are correct in adding a turn penalty to the event so that players will be able to defend themselves and the event will not be a game changer. It will be a challenge though and I would welcome that.
  4. Obi Mark

    Obi Mark Cadet

    Oct 18, 2016
    I would like to see them more fleshed out. Getting out of that pocket space is not easy. So they would need a portal opener. Maybe it could be space object akin to star fortress, only not orbiting their world, but rather be at distance.
    I would also make size of their flotilla linked to level of their portal. Higher level of portal, stronger the building is and more ships can be punched through the dimension.
    But in order for them to upgrade portal they would need more resources. Since they have been trapped in their pocket space for centuries I presume their resources are almost exhausted. So they need, at first, just basic resources like minerals trapped in asteroids. To get them they can raid fledgling colonies or set up their own mines or both. In the latter event, player can stumble on their operations and try to infiltrate it or capture or outright destroy. Of course, capture should be highly dangerous and unlikely and would end in activation of self destruct system.
    Then once they upgrade their gate, they would need more sophisticated materials. They would also get them with raiding or building processing facilities, preferably both. There could also be a gruesome option of them powering their gates with slaves, and I don't mean slaves turning cranks.
    In effect they would have more and more presence in galaxy trying to reestablish their empire including above mentioned plagues. That would neatly shortcut their manpower problems.
    They could also develop mimicking field, allowing their ships to pose as other races fleets. That would sour relationships between races and foment war allowing them easier victory.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    While reading the community feedback last I noticed that an entry titled “Antarans type” super menace is listed as unlikely to be included in the final release of the game. I was not entirely thrilled to see that and as a result I will offer an alternative way to make this feature easier to include while also giving it some fresh twists.

    It is also quite interesting that the first DLC from CTS features the Antarans…(cash grab cough cough)

    But I digress.

    First let me say that a 4x TBS game can function quite well without this feature as I have played some that did not include it but it was not nearly as satisfying as Moo2 which had the Antarans, for some reason it made the game more immersive and fun, not quite so sterile.

    In light of that I offer some new twists to this feature.

    First, forget about pocket universes or other on map solutions and go with a theme from Star Trek Tos. Specifically I am referring to the episode “By any other name”, you know, the one where Scotty tries to outdrink the Alien only to pass out seconds after him. In other words this would be an invasion from another galaxy or space sector if you will.

    This invasion could be triggered by either time elapsed or some other criteria but here is where the similarity ends with other games.

    This “invasion” could consist of a small high-tech force attacking a weak power or area on the periphery of the map (not player controlled preferably). There should be a small number of combat ships with an even smaller number of support vessels. These vessels can be repaired, captured (very difficult) but never replicated, nor should the ability to gain technology from them be present. That’s right, the technology behind these ships is based on elements not found in our galaxy and as such they would be truly unique. (The tech of these ships should be higher than end game tech but not by much)

    Once this invasion fleet manages to take a planet they would be able to start producing ships of their own but of the same type as the original owners of the planet. In other words if the invaders took a world from the Klackons (or whatever we call our bug people) then they would be able to produce Klackon ships to augment their own.

    Similarly, the invaders would follow the tech tree of the original occupants as well, perhaps with a one time research bonus of a few thousand points as a boost.

    Their ships then would act as Loknars ship did when you acquired it, spearheading fleets of lesser technology as they rampage throughout the sector.

    The overall effect would be similar to an existing faction receiving a boost which could make the Devs lives much easier. This new faction would not negotiate, it would be like the Borg, stop them or they will stop you.

    This could cause alliances to form or not depending on how threatened a faction felt and result in the late game becoming far more vibrant and less certain.

    Other attributes could be given to the invaders as well but should also be of a unique nature.

    Even if beaten back the player would never be certain if this was a main invasion or a vanguard meaning that future DLCs could really flesh this feature out even more.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Bigmo

    Bigmo Ensign

    Oct 14, 2016
    I am pretty sure that using the term Antareans would bring about a lawsuit of some sort. Therefore, I suggest we call it "galactic menace". Therefore, we could use an "Antareans" type menace that would be an ancient super-race (Chtonians, Old Ones, God of old or whatever) bent on revenge on the younger races. You could after that add other type of Galactic Menace:
    • Mechanoid of Doom
      • Bent on the destruction of Biological Lifeform.
      • Triggered by the activation of certain beacons or ruins exploration or Tech level achievements
      • Allies or trade with mechanical/inorganic races, impossible to deal with for Bios
    • The Standardization of Chaos
      • Cybernetic beings bent on a mission of quasi religious "standardization" (to avoid saying assimilation...) of all sentient lifeforms
      • No diplomacy possible
    • Energy being colonization
      • "Colonizing" stars for that race turns the stars into supernovas
      • Invulnerable beings at start of game, destroys almost instantly any ships approaching the Supernovas
      • Supernovas would contains such lifeforms, but after a while for some reasons, Stars starts to blow up randomly, forcing the development of a superproject to either counteract the "colonizations" or allowing ship to attack directly the entities.
    • Mass exodus
      • Some advanced civilization is fleeing the destruction of their own galaxy from an unknown menace.
      • Skirmishes with scouts at the beginning of the game, ends up with full scale invasion of galactic proportion requiring highly advanced tech or united galactic front.
    • Etc...
    The manner and "qualities" of the menace could be randomized, chosen, turned on or off, designed, depending on gameplay preferences. And putting some legwork into the initial design would allow for some interesting additions in the future, including all of the previously mentioned mechanics in that thread.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 1

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