Awarded Medals

  1. Awarded: Apr 14, 2017

    VIP for Interstellar Space: Genesis

    The member has helped playtest the game since a very early stage, and has contributed to making it the best game it can be. The Dev team wishes to express a deep thank you to the member for her/his precious time and dedication.

  2. Awarded: Mar 28, 2017

    Pre-Alpha Interstellar Space: Genesis Badge

    Award given to everybody who has joined the project's forums in the early Pre-alpha days. The user will be listed in the game’s credits!

  3. Awarded: Mar 28, 2017

    Supporter SpaceSector Badge

    Award given to all users who have contributed with at least 10 posts on either's old blog or forums. You have our deepest thanks, and as a reward your username will be listed in the game's credits!