Hot posts in thread: 1.3 Beta Design / Improvement

  1. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    Superb idea
    While that would be awesome, and even some tactical terrain (or on screen fortifications such as barrier fields) would spice battles up, I think this would completely favor the player. The current set up, (a loose formation dropping out of warp at random), works pretty well and we aren't perfectly lined up like 18th century infantry. Flanking, delayed attack waves... yes I would love that, but IMO the basics (while better in 1.3), still need some work
  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Thanks for your feedback on the 1.3 unstable beta build. Some nice ideas in there.

    Regarding point 7, yes, fighters and bombers were bugged in the beta build but the issue was resolved in the official 1.3 version now available.

    As for point 11, which aggression level do you tend to play? And, which difficulty, map size, number of players and star system distance factor?
  3. Master of Worlds

    Master of Worlds Cadet

    Jun 5, 2021
    Been playing the 1.3 beta and find the gameplay much improved. In the early-mid game, the computer seems to understand that missiles are king--making the game much harder. However, I also noticed a few issues.

    1. Poor use of Spinal Mount. The Moltar Union did not always include these on their ships, and when they did, they did not always use the best weapon. Space isn't an option, so if you can spinal mount a Death Ray, no reason not to. It's a one-shot-kill on most ships.
    2. Not enough leaders in a 10-player galaxy. I didn't have the credits to hire ship-leaders in the opening stages of the game, and only lucked into a strong leader towards the end (for end-game, would be interesting to see how many ship-leaders died in battle).
    3. Neutronium Shells don't actually kill marines.
    4. Tractor beams can be reused after capturing or destroying the ship they are targeting.
    5. After using Combat-Jump-Displacement, you can still board enemy ships (if you don't think this is broken, build a fleet of 10 destroyers with marine pods, combat-jump-displacement and tractor-beam).
    6. The Railgun needs a buff
    7. My game kept freezing when I tried to use fighters (unstable build, so understandable)
    8. Very Late-game play needs an equalizer for fleets that go second. End-game designs are about ships that can instantly kill an enemy fleet. This puts the fleet that goes second (and especially missile fleets) at a serious disadvantage. Perhaps a cloaking device?
    9. Unrelated, but it would be nice if smaller ships could slip under the radar for scanning technology. I've fought a few wars with bad scanner technology, and find ships hidden from scanners to add frightful dimensions to ship strategy. It would also be reflective of how smaller ships and planes can be designed to hide from radar. Perhaps even as a buff to "Into the Shadows" for dark matter usage (admittedly, haven't experimented much with these techs yet).
    10. Wormhole stabilizers need to be earlier in the game. Wormholes are most important early in the game, but by the time this tech comes around it is often faster (and less tedious) to avoid using them.
    11. For impossible, perhaps give some empires a late-game boost? The Draguul can be frightful if they start as your close neighbor, but fade pathetically (very fun to play as though).
    12. Probably a pipe-dream, but would like to be able to select an opening approach for fleet combat. Would like to be able to enter combat further back, with a flanking force, or have a secondary fleet arrive a turn late from behind (perhaps something tied to leader and crew experience). Having ships enter battle in waves rather than all-at-once could also help address the issue of over-sized fleets and late-game first-mover advantage. Again, not something I'd expect for a long time.
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