A green broken line runs diagonally across the screen

Discussion in 'Bug Reports / Tech Support' started by vmxa, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. vmxa

    vmxa Commander

    Oct 14, 2016
    I was looking through a bunch of report icons and saw the line in screen. Ran top left to bot right. I deleted a few icons till I got to the two remote reports for Ophi I (iirc). They looked normal, but as I bounced back to one I got a screen that has Enzade I and it had the line.

    Had to rar it to get it to upload. Don't know why it waits till it tries to upload to tell me it was the wrong type.

    I have noticed in the past a quick green flash on some reports, but they did not remain. This line does, for me.

    Attached Files:

  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    What you see is this, correct?


    This happens when you click on a different star when inside the system view. If you check in the top right corner of the system view when you click on Ophi, you can see the Enzade star (we should not allow for that to begin with). If you click there, for instance by accident, you'll then see this.

    It's a "minor" UI glitch that we should fix soon, thanks!
  3. vmxa

    vmxa Commander

    Oct 14, 2016
    Yes that is it and yes the star was quite close to each other.

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