Hot posts in thread: A quick Tease

  1. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    Hello Crewmates

    I’m going to take some time today to explain some of the exciting new things that are on the way. (Before I do so however, just a quick reminder that I am not one of the Devs).

    So what do I see coming your way soon? Quite a lot!

    By the time the next release comes out you should prepare yourselves for quite a lot of enhancements, new content and other good stuff. A good analogy would be that ISG is no longer a toddler, you will see it soon as a teen-ager.

    Adam and Malrey have been hard at work breathing additional fun into the game, I’ve been playing the VIP build so I am going to give you some info without giving away details (I’m sure you guys understand)

    The next version of ISG that you all get to play will be bigger and longer. I don’t mean that in the traditional sense, in other words it isn’t the map that got bigger but rather the game itself. The new activities that you will be able to engage in will allow for more meaningful choices and require you to plan things out just a little bit more than is currently the case.

    Expect to see a variety of planetary defenses as well as an actual ground combat and invasion mechanic, with all that implies. You will notice the impact of these new ‘enhancements” instantly when you first try the next release, new strategies will be required and you may find yourselves re-thinking your usual approach.

    At the same time, we may see more balance adjustments but that is to be expected. Up until now, I’ve been playing ISG in a very aggressive manner, not because of any particular play-style I had but rather the game itself. The next version however, will see the defensive side of the game getting some love. The implications are obvious, what worked for me in past versions will probably not work for me now.

    So hang in there my friends, the next release will add quite a lot to the game and start to flesh out areas that are currently lacking.

    Ohh by the way, I had a chance to try some of these things, (not in their final version of course), and I had quite a lot of fun. I think you guys are going to enjoy this.
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