A Wish List

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Staroid, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. Staroid

    Staroid Cadet

    Oct 15, 2016
    I should say MY Wish List of Ideas kicking around in my Head.

    1-To be a Commander you have to have someone to command.
    So create AI-NPC's that you lead, and can be put into any position of government.
    Each NPC has a Personality that can swing Far Left for Peace or Far Right for war,
    or be balanced between the two.
    Their Background Story History, Determines their starting Balance between the two extremes.
    Your interaction and/or events in game can make changes to this balance.
    Much like how other games use a NPC level of relationship to you, like or dislike,
    to change this factor, depending on the choices you make.

    2-Use this same Balancing factor for the Alien AI's that you meet, where your
    Actions and choices determine the Alien's Race relationship to your Race.
    But also those NPC's that you have chosen to run your government, will have
    an effect depending on the actions and choices they make.

    3-As in real life different NPC's have a proficiency at a Job level.
    This Job level of competence depends on both the Time doing the Job and
    Training for that Job. Some Jobs have a close relationship which will
    give a higher level than others, such as a Manager of people in supply and
    transport, may have a higher level when placed as a military commander,
    Whereas a Politician would fail at that job, and be better at communications,
    or deceit as a Spy.

    4-Taking the level of competence into consideration, Why not use the peter principal.
    Where NPC's can rise to 100% in their current job, due to time and training for that job.
    But if Promoted or given a Different Job, their competence could drop to 0%.
    So incorporate a way to Train or Evaluate NPC's for any given job, and How long to reach 100%.

    5-VOICE ATTACK: (No I do not receive anything other than enjoying the use of this in my games)
    Please put this into the Game so that I never have to touch my keyboard or
    mouse after I setup the Game and type in my starting Character's NAME.
    (Maybe not even then, just spell it and be done)
    When building the Game if this is kept in mind, it will be Awesome.
    This can be customized to both your Language, and personal settings.
    As some say "FIRE" and others say "SHOOT", either way or both can be set.
    And my Fingers will Thank You.
    Really, the fact that searching for "keys", "Tabs", "Menues" or "Buttons" is
    the number one immersion distractor in a game, not to mention the wear an teare on equipment.
    Consider that the use of "Words" can be a Huge Advancement to a Game if Done right.
    And with VOICE ATTACK it can be done right. Also this can be an option.
    And for those who have to do something with their Fingers, they can do both.

    Thank You All for allowing me to Share My Ideas for your Consideration

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