Hot posts in thread: Alliance of the Sacred Suns (Master of Orion like game)

  1. Blake00

    Blake00 Cadet

    Jun 29, 2020
    Ooooh just heard about another MOO like project called Alliance of the Sacred Suns (that seems to have been doing public betas for years under the name Imperia5x) when I saw it's kickstarter campaign. Looks like an interesting attempt at being different from regular Master of Orion like 4x space strategy games by focusing more on you the emperor.. feels kinda of like a 'Dune - Padishah Emperor simulator' managing those pesky greedy disobedient houses haha! Planetary management looks interesting, those separated regional environments and developments remind me of MOO3. A simple thing but I also love how the planets moons just swing past the camera while you're managing the world. Haven't seen any space battle footage so I dunno how that's managed. It's kickstarter period is over half way through but it's not even at half funded which is a bit worrying. It's been worked on for many years and seems so far along so hopefully the project would survive a KS failure.

