Hot posts in thread: Another voice and suggestions for the upcoming game

  1. Fafrin

    Fafrin Cadet

    Oct 15, 2016
    +1 for the above especially dexterity
  2. Finestra

    Finestra Lieutenant

    Oct 16, 2016
    Another voice about MoO3 but I am pretty sure you already know not to take that road for the game.
    I mentioned Ascendancy, please look in that direction(I guess you know what I am talking about).
    Don't make the game like a micromanagement game.
    For an old man like me TB games rock, then I can reflect on my next move, no RTS since my dexterity is not what it used to be. If RTS then with the pause function.
    Star lanes always pro and con for it, no deal breaker for me.
    Coherent tech tree.
    Scalable game size, AI etc.
    Ship building look at Ascendancy or other similar games.
    Upgrades when new tech found/researched auto update design or make popup menu telling you to update design like the New MoO.
    Well it is late and I know have more input/suggestions for the upcoming game.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2016