Hot posts in thread: Auto resolve with fallback to manual combat if not satisfied

  1. Björn

    Björn Ensign

    Mar 9, 2021
    Hello, I've made similar experiences with Auto Resolve. Sometimes really strange things happens. I remember one battle of a Star Base against a space monster. The space monster killed my Star Base and I've built a new one in 4 turns. This take, no signifcant development in armor, weapons etc. later, I won easily in manual combat.

    Just a one to one battle. If the result would have been different in a many to many, I totally agree that the result can be different.
    But I could not figure it out or reproduce it. Anyone made a similar experience?
    Not really the topic Starling raised, but it just popped out of my mind.
  2. KarasLegacy

    KarasLegacy Ensign

    Apr 10, 2020
    I like the idea. Now in theory this could be abused by a user who uses the auto resolver to perform better than they would with their own tactics.

    But frankly, I don't think that is a big risk, the auto resolver really underestimates even some basic human tactics, and so I doubt I would every see the autoresolver provide a better result than I would have gotten myself.

    So I like this idea a lot.
  3. Starling

    Starling Cadet

    Jul 4, 2021
    Hi. With some scenarios (e.g. a lot of ships with my significant advantage) auto resolve is a very useful option. However, I'm not always satisfied with the results. Currently, I had to use a previous auto save to "improve it", but I think, it would be handier to have an ability to be able to accept a result of auto resolve or challenge it and start manual combat (similar to the one available in Heroes of Might & Magic III). WDYT?

    Last edited: Aug 11, 2021