Hot posts in thread: Be safe everyone!

  1. Ergie

    Ergie Cadet

    Oct 14, 2016
    Amén. In Spain, things are going badly, but for the moment we have been for 3 weeks at home, waiting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I don't doubt we'll see It. People is reacting as I never imagined It couldn't in this country, solidarity, empathic, morale is high!
    Be Safe, protect and enjoy your people, and everyone else, staying at home. And as kharn said, avoid too much information.
    Good luck everyone
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  2. Kharn

    Kharn Lieutenant

    Jan 27, 2020
    Hi to all.

    Time is hard now, but we must try to be positive and everything will be fine. Stay home if you can. If you have to work outside, be safe and protect yourself and the people around you. The main thing is not to panic and turn off the TV. Look for information yourself, if you need it, but be calm.
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  3. CrazyElf

    CrazyElf Lieutenant

    Nov 12, 2016
    I'm just wishing everyone a safe time given the recent coronavirus outbreak.

    I'm ok myself (at least for now), but like most people, am indoors and trying to do my part in preventing the spread.

    On that note, I'm wishing everyone the best of luck and safety given the magnitude of this outbreak.
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