Hot posts in thread: Best gaming news since a while :)

  1. Mark

    Mark Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    I'm sure that's sadly true and is probably the major reason, but also one of the hired "advisors" on MOO 4 was Tom Hughes. Tom was one of the lead designers on MOO 3 (he developed the star-map and lanes among other things) so I dont think its pure coincidence that the 3 fundamental game concepts I listed above were eventually recycled straight from MOO 3 into MOO 4. Much to the game's detriment. If MOO 4 had instead featured....

    1) Full free Movement.
    2) Real fuel or a fuel range mechanic to prevent deep-strikes and "eternal" movement / exploration.
    3) Deep, detailed, hands-on turn-based tactical combat.

    It would have been extremely close to being THE faithful successor to MOO 2 that so many people have so passionately wanted for 20+ years and that Adam and Project SpaceSector seem to be aiming at.

    I guess Tom thought that his core design ideas were sound and wanted to try them out on a less disastrous game. Tom Hughes is a very talented guy but nobody's perfect and in this case he was wrong. So very, very wrong.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. DeLastOne

    DeLastOne Cadet

    Oct 14, 2016
    The combat are pretty bad. I couldn't find any interest in it. I couldn't see the point of this fake RTS mode where nothing you do really change anything .
    Also I found the universe boring with its starlane, no real event in space, nothing is happening beside searching for a proper planet to colonize...

    Bha... I guess they wanted to appeal to a new player base who is eager for easy games...
  3. Tim Hewison

    Tim Hewison Cadet

    Oct 15, 2016
    I will be following your progress closely! Good luck! and best wishes in your game's development.
  4. Mark

    Mark Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    That's funny because for me, MOO-Cts flopped (and flopped hard) because of the major design areas where it completely deviated from the successful originals. Namely......

    1/ Forced starlane maps as the sole movement option.
    2/ No concept of fuel to restrict range so generation 1 scouts could explore the entire galaxy without ever returning home.
    3/ Shallow, boring, hard to control RT combat.

    Strangely enough these were all design elements common to the disastrous train-wreck that was MOO 3, not MOO 2.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. aReclusiveMind

    aReclusiveMind Developer Grand Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
    As someone who was completely disinterested in the new Master of Orion, milquetoast is the last thing I want to see Project Space Sector become.

    I'll be in your corner on this one! ;)
  6. maathyas

    maathyas Cadet

    Oct 15, 2016
    Certainly looking forward to this. More 4x / space games are great!
  7. Sean Bills

    Sean Bills Cadet

    Oct 15, 2016
    Agreed! This is awesome. I'll be playing it just to show support but I have high hopes.
  8. dayrinni

    dayrinni Ensign

    Oct 14, 2016
    I have a lot of faith that Adam and Malrey will deliver a good game and I am looking to lending my support on the forums!
  9. KungFuMassa

    KungFuMassa Cadet

    Oct 15, 2016
    Also really pleased to see this news land in my inbox today. I do want to point out one thing that both excited and concerned me -- the wish to recreate a MoO2 experience. While that game is a classic and superb, the recent Master of Orion remake fell into a trap of adhering too closely to the originals, to the point where it wasn't bringing anything new to the table other than fancy graphics.

    So long story short, we have our true Master of Orion remake already and it's a bit milquetoast. I'd love to see what new things passionate fans of the genre can bring to this.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  10. MalRey

    MalRey Developer Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2016
    Thanks for your support!
    We believe that your participation in further discussions is key for the success of this game.
  11. Thrangar

    Thrangar Ensign

    Oct 14, 2016
    Great news, buckled in and looking forward to the launch!
  12. vmxa

    vmxa Commander

    Oct 14, 2016
    I hope this turns out the way you want Adam, best of of luck to the crew.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. DeLastOne

    DeLastOne Cadet

    Oct 14, 2016
    Hi Guys,

    Thanks a lot for this project. I have been really really trying a lot of 4x lately from hybrid 4x and grand strategy such as Stellaris, to the disapointing combats of Endless Space and the catastrophic new MoO from MGD. The latest achieved to make me giving up on the belief there will be a real true modern successor in spirit to the great and yet to be matched MoO franchise...

    But your project sounds just right. There is a lot of good thing on your plan and I will be following you and surely try to give you my opinion as much as I can.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 4