Hot posts in thread: Can't progress battle due to large number of ships

  1. aReclusiveMind

    aReclusiveMind Developer Grand Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
    You aren't the only one reporting rather large fleets though. We are seeing this reported on Steam as well.

    As people push towards a longer, more epic experience, I think huge combats will become more common. To accommodate, these massive fights should be longer and more epic, and potentially broken into multiple turns. This would be representative an extended battle with both sides fighting for a long time over a system. It also has the side effect of tying up these fleets for multiple turns. That means putting all your eggs in one basket could have you watching opponents steal things away from you while your main force is tied up. That's an interesting strategic dillema.

    Please make me miserable. At least at higher difficulties. I want to see the "this game is easy" crowd (including myself) backpedaling and stepping down to easier difficulties on Steam. The hardest difficulties should crush our souls every once in awhile, even us vets.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. medway

    medway Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2018
    I'll try to finish up that game just for fun before the update comes :)
  3. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. medway

    medway Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2018
    Thanks Adam. Well I think it's best if you make my life hell so the AI is stronger :) Agree with that fix it sounds like this large fleet thing will probably not happen and therefore changes to the tactical battle might not be needed.

    No problem, was fun to see what could happen :)
    • ThumbsUp ThumbsUp x 2
  5. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    I inspected the save (Huge, Average difficulty) and can say that the AI has 17 assault ships and several bombers. It seems you're in a cat and mouse chase, you and the Moltar. They take your stuff, you take their stuff. They did amass a single huge fleet instead of splitting their forces, and I can think of a way where a simple line of code would make your life miserable. The AI would create many smaller fleets and could take over outposts and colonies by the dozens in a few turns. There's an enforced limitation that is causing this and this can be easily fixed.

    As for the almost 200 ship fleets issue. It's kind of a limit situation, but it does happen and can happen. This is a Huge game. The AI has 90% of the map, so its ship support is through the roof. Basically, the game should have ended way before. And, with the AI modifications that I have in mind it should.

    Now, regarding fleet limits in combat. I think the current limit is 50 ships in each side, but I'd have to check, but it's around that ballpark. Basically, the game picks the best/bigger 50 and the combat starts with those, but I'd have to check to confirm this as well.

    So, in "normal" play and after the AI fix we shouldn't see many >30 ship fleets, but they can happen. I took note of this and I'll think in a mechanism to either constraint the number of ships or to go with some form of multi-combat system where you can do several combat rounds until all ships have paritcipated.

    I think an AI fix should go up in the next update, or the one after to unchain the AI's hands and let it spread out and take out several systems at a time. That alone should alleviate the cat and mouse effect. As for the fleet ship cap and how to handle >50 ship fleets in combat, I'll have to think on that one a bit more. This does not represent what we can call "normal" play, but it can happen, so we must have a mechanism to deal with it.

    Thanks for taking the game to the extreme @medway, this was rather helpful.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2019
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  6. medway

    medway Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2018
    What's the max display on the battle map? It seemed around 30 ships.
  7. aReclusiveMind

    aReclusiveMind Developer Grand Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
  8. medway

    medway Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2018
    Yes agree the AI should have gone after me. More importantly they need to not have so big of fleets. Even if they did go after me right away with a large fleet then it would be an issue but I'm not sure what size it was at the time. As long as they don't make big fleets even if they didn't go after me right away it would have been fine.

    There might not need to be an artificial limit on the fleet size, the AI just needs to create them more effectively. Then that problem will solve itself in most cases unless someone really dragged out the game. That will also allow a bit more freedom for players to go longer if they want and the AI can still maintain itself.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    I supported this... I suggested some sort of command limits decades ago... (feels that way at least), but I'm hesitant to introduce artificial limits, especially when it seems that the AI should have stomped him when he refused the vote. The game should have ended prior to this.
    If he's going to turn down the council vote, it should get uglier much faster than this, He should have either went all out or the AI should have. Is it possible to accept the council vote and continue? It should not be an option.

    Fair enough, but accepting the council vote when you lose it, should equal game over... otherwise we are asking for trouble, not the player.

    On any level the AI should have gone after you if you refuse to accept the council decision. The AI can't be this passive in such a situation, it's war to the death when you go against the council vote, just like in MoO2
    Yes, I agree in theory, but this never should have happened to this degree. There should be some cap, but we need to address them from another angle as well.
  10. aReclusiveMind

    aReclusiveMind Developer Grand Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
    Well my point was there is a reason all turn based strategy games limit the number of units that can take part in a battle. Heroes of Might & Magic, Age of Wonders, Endless Legend, etc.

    Allowing an unlimited number causes the battle screen to get crowded and also causes combat to take forever. This is why I proposed a multi-turn engagement mechanic to limit how many units are in a single battle. It would only come into play in very large engagements like the ones described here.
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  11. medway

    medway Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2018
    Maybe cap the AI fleets to something smaller like 50 or so unless the player is also fielding large fleets. In other words only have the AI make such big fleets when it actually needs to.

    From what I've seen the auto resolve works fine on this large fleet. That way if a player wanted to make large fleets they can and just use the auto resolve in that case (and the AI would respond with large fleets too).

    But for cases like mine when someone wants to play longer we can still do manual battles as long as the AI is programmed not to make fleets that choke the AI battle screen (where those large fleets serve no purpose for helping the AI - in fact, the super large fleet they are making is actually hurting their efforts to stop me as snipe one system at a time as they try to follow me around). Then it's a win-win, better AI and the ability to play longer games.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. medway

    medway Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2018
    Ha yes I just remembered that when posting. So that does explain it to an extent. But I think it should still work if you go beyond that point.

    When losing to the council I think says you can either submit to that and the game ends, or the factions go to war to you. That isn't explicitly saying you lost, just giving an option to surrender or fight. So I am actually abiding by the rules of the game by continuing. This is different from when you win the council and tell it to keep playing as then it makes sense to quit unless you want to keep going (and in that case the situation would be reverse, you wouldn't have the AI fielding large fleets thus avoiding this problem ever coming up).

    If the game shouldn't progress then it should say we lost and then ask if you want to continue if you want (at your own risk).

    Maybe on a harder level the AI would have got me by now.

    But the main issue here is that they are fielding such a large fleet for no strategic reason from what I can see. If the AI was written to not make big fleets like that then that should fix the problem. That would avoid the bandaid of having to limit the engagements in the first place (unless a player made a large fleet like that but then that's their own doing and would be purposely breaking the game).
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2019
  13. aReclusiveMind

    aReclusiveMind Developer Grand Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
    Sounds like your game is over. You are just asking for trouble. ;)
  14. aReclusiveMind

    aReclusiveMind Developer Grand Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
    The game certainly has some issues when the turn count starts to get really high. I typically end the game long before this point. There are several thread on Steam about the burdens of late game management.

    Micromanagement of colonies and fleets is an issue when the game gets this many turns in. Turn-based combat I am sure has major issues and takes far too long as well.

    Colony micromanagement will improve when automated governors are added in the future. You won't need to spend much time at all in your less important colonies after that. The governor will operate with minimal guidance from you to optimize the colony, similar to how the AI optimizes its own colonies.

    Turn-based combat is just not inherently built to support unlimited amounts of ships. One alternative may be to limit the number of ships that can be used per engagement. Say 20 ships per side (subject to change) or something like that? This would mean these huge engagements would take place over several turns depending on fleet sizes. It would not be one all or nothing battle, but a series of them. On top of that, the fleets involved would be tied up and unable to engage other fleets for awhile. If you flee, you would not actually flee until the entire multi battle engagement was over. An interesting idea for the future anyway.

    While games shouldn't run this long, there are people actively petitioning for longer, more epic games. It would be nice if we could make some strides towards making their experience slightly more pleasant.
  15. medway

    medway Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2018
    Ok just to be clear the red is the AI (and the big fleet is theirs). So not a mop up in that sense if that's what you mean. In this case I wasn't trying to extend the play time it just worked out that way. They did win the council but I played on so I guess in that respect I did keep it going.
  16. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    The game going to turn 480 is the biggest culprit. Normal is usually over by 250, harder settings can go another 100 turns. 480 turns is territory that none of us has explored.
  17. medway

    medway Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2018
    What do you think caused it to get like this then?
  18. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    No, this is a very extreme and unlikely scenario, the game will be won or lost long before this, especially on normal
  19. medway

    medway Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2018
    And to clarify this title of this thread. I can at least do auto combat so that it makes me flee. I just can't do the battle manually.
  20. medway

    medway Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2018
    Yup just messing around on this one as I know it will be patched. I'm slowly trying to whittle them down. They keep sending this massive fleet to one of the systems I'm attacking. They should break it up into smaller ones and do some actual damage to me.

    Since I can flee each time it renders their fleet useless. Then again I'm on average so I bet the AI is not programmed to be as aggressive on this level.

    But should the AI have this big of a fleet? That seems a separate issue from the leader.

    Saw them field an even bigger fleet now:
