Hot posts in thread: Captured Kaek Defence ships disappear?

  1. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Ok, no worries about the save. In the meantime, I have isolated the issue that was causing that rare occurrence, where the building slots would not reflect the number of buildings on the planet. In the case of Usiliv II, there were 2 building slots that could not be used in buildings. This should be resolved now and a fix will be available in the next update.

    As for the CDF / capture issue, thanks also for the save. I added this issue to the big list to have a look at some point.

    • ThumbsUp ThumbsUp x 1
  2. Ironsides

    Ironsides Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
    Unfortunatly I dont have any other saves for it, in attacking the planet the idea was Not to destroy the pop, infrastucture or buildings as I wanted to hand it back to the Moltar as a gift complete...
    So it was straight to invasion, though might have destroyed military building before doing so.
    The only other save would have been my usual "end of current turn save" and this gets overwritten at the end of every turn, and since this was the 2nd rerun, autosave for the previous turn has been long since overwritten...
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  3. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    On the issue on Usiliv II, do you have a save before invading that planet? And, in order to reproduce the issue, if you remember, could you tell me the bombardment profile/steps you used (e.g. which buildings did you destroy? did you destroy infrastructure, etc?). In any case, just having the save before the invasion of Usiliv II would be very helpful. Thanks!
  4. Ironsides

    Ironsides Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
    So I replayed this war through again, making sure that the Kaek had actually gone for the final Capitol defence perk, which they did...
    No captured CDF ships disapeared after combat or during refit, captured CDF ships included 3TTs and 6BSs...

    However during the reruns I did come across a couple of issues that I have had once or twice before, a very very rare occurance:

    2nd rerun: a captured Kaek contolled planet cannot fill all the building slots available, I believe that buildings are actually there but don't show in the panel or give any bonuses as I didn't destroy all the building before invading:

    Missing buildings in captured colonys.jpg

    This also occured on three other subsequent kaek populated planets that were captured in the 2nd rerun, after exiting and reloading later these three Kaek worlds were showing the missing buildings. Usiliv II persisted however... previously these had been a very rare occurance on Kaek worlds only.
    Usually I level the infrastucture before invading destroying the buildings in the process so it may be more frequent?.

    3rd rerun: whilst attacking the CDF some odd things occured when capturing the TT & 2xBS, in the last of the trio there was no target icon though you could still shoot at the enemy ship, this didn't matter on the map position or the order in which the ships were captured, I never bothered trying to capture the CDF DSs but destroyed them... I ran this through severel times with the same result:

    Kaek BS no target but can still fire at it.jpg

    During boarding this last ship would show the wrong enemy in the combat panel and some very large bonuses for the attackers:

    Kaek BS boarding shows wrong enemy etc.jpg

    I've included both saves for these two events, hope its of some use...

    Attached Files:

  5. Ironsides

    Ironsides Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
    Unfortunatly so far I've not been able to replicate the situation, the replay didn't result in any disappearing captured Kaek home defence ships(captured 3xTTs), this could be because the circumstances were different... shortly after the war started the Kaek went for an adventure perk, one that was useless to them "legendary leader", instead of the final capitol defence force perk (TT/2BS/2DS) which they had in the first run..
    • ThumbsUp ThumbsUp x 1
  6. Ironsides

    Ironsides Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
    I only have a save from the beginning of the kaek war unfortunatly, but can Replay it to see if I can replicate the same situation, maybe 10 turns, so it might take a little while...
    This is not the only time though that this seems to have happened, in previous games I had a similar experience, sometimes captured home fleet ships simply arn't there after the battle, which led me to believe initially the home fleet was an illusion created by the Kaek Queen!
    However during this game I managed to get a TT+BS to one of my worlds to refit maybe 2 turns away as the crow flys, and started refitting... on that move I had 4TTs including the captured KaekTT with the home fleet code, but it never came out of refit just one turn later, I only had 3...

    Anyway I'll post here on the results, by the way its not credits or SSP have plenty of both...
  7. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Only if you've run out of credits and the game had to disband some ships to pay the debt. Otherwise, it could be a bug. If you have a save where you had the Kaek defense ships, and then they vanished a few turns later, please send it to me and I can see what can be the issue. Thanks!
    • ThumbsUp ThumbsUp x 1
  8. Ironsides

    Ironsides Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
    Ok so my forces captured a few kaek defence ships after a few turns they disapear, is this normal?