Divide by Zero event shows random number of RP to be lost

Discussion in 'Bug Reports / Tech Support' started by dmitryme, Oct 26, 2021.

  1. dmitryme

    dmitryme Cadet

    Jun 26, 2021
    Turn 164 turned out to be rather buggy :). My game version is 1.3.4 and here are the steps to reproduce:
    * Load the attached Turn 164 save file
    * Next click on that gallactic event notification
    * It is "Divide by Zero" event, and the last option is to lose research progress, which is getting -2460 RP in my case.
    * Close the event without making a decision and re-open it again.

    In the window the number of RP to be lost with the last option will randomly change, including sign. And it will be changing with each new reopening, starting to be printed as floating number if it becomes too big. After a number of re-opening the number becomes zero and it stops changing aftewards.

    Here is the link to archive with save file and screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18iAY-G6nHTpwOs-9LJPJZS2srGHIty3t/view?usp=sharing

    Given the event name and story, I wonder: maybe it is actually a designed behaviour? :)
  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    The issue you report happened when the galactic event notification was opened multiple times, and the RP penalty would change (add up) every time the notification was opened, as you mentioned in the reproducible steps.

    This is now resolved and a fix will be available in the next update, thanks!

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