Hot posts in thread: Don’t colonize a world without first exploring it fully!?

  1. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    Thank you very much. I did not get that right and also thought: How could they have done it so worng?
    And so I was wrong and they did a great job as always and it is a good decision as always!

    Thank you for your explanation!
  2. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    Hi, rxnnxs
    You are specifically referring to planet specials yes? not ruins
    I may have missed this and need to double check on it but my understanding is that leaders with the explorer trait are effective in exploring ruins and increasing the probability that you will find a worthwhile discovery. I was under the impression that they have no effect on planet specials, these seem to be generated at start. therefore if you colonize a planet without exploring it fully, the special is still there but you do not have complete data on it, the effects however should still be felt by you.
    In other words a nasty special that you have not fully explored will still mess up your growth though you will not be sure why.
    Colonies cannot be "explored" a second time, only ruins can and this leads me to believe that you are confusing the two, they are very different.
    If you take a survey ship to a system it will instantly reveal the "specials" but if there are ruins there you need to explore them separately, the survey ship will also increase your chance of finding something cool in ruins.
    Ruins exploration can then be considered dynamic whereas planet specials (meteor storms. friendly natives, etc) are randomly generated at start
    exploring a colony fully for specials can also be done by remote exploration, in that case you will need to complete the three full scan levels to reveal the planet special (if any)

    I was correct with one qualification. The minute you colonize a world the planet special (if any) will be revealed to you. The reason you are advised to explore fully prior to colonizing is that you may set up shop somewhere with a very nasty special if you don't explore beforehand.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2017
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  3. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    I read it in the Quick Start Guide,
    and right now in game, I can see how those intelligence reports keep coming in and I aks myself:
    When I colonize a planet thats not explored to the end, will this colony never get the specials it could have when explored to the max beforehand?

    I ask this because it is not said clear. It is said that when you have a exploration ship it raises the possibility to FIND a special as does a leader. Does this mean now this world is generating a special just when an exploration ship or a character is exploring the colony for the first (or second time)?
    This may be discussed in places in the forum where I have not gone by now, maybe you can hand me a link to that discussion please.
    Otherwise, I personally find it kind of .. disturbing to know that I can not colonize a world that then has lost the ability to get a planetary special while I was not exploring it beforehand and therefore the "special dice" was rolled at colonization without the raised chances, an explloration ship PLUS a science officers offers.

    You know what I mean?
    In my understanding a colony has a special or does not have it. Now with or without a science officer, they do not generate the special, they just discovr it.
    So... when I colonize a planet, maybe they discover the special just abit later, when the planet is fully developed or such.
    But that the opportunity to have a special is once and for all rolled out as a dice just before colonization and is then engraved into stone is not the thing I would like.