Exploration Details

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by timoteob, Oct 5, 2021.

  1. timoteob

    timoteob Ensign

    Sep 23, 2021
    So I am trying to get a better handle on what exactly is reveled at each level of exploration So I put together this cheat sheet below. I just want to see if it matches what others have noticed.


    Also, I am unsure how "hidden" systems (black holes, neutron stars, etc) are discovered. When doing a mouse over an sector (like B5 or H2) in the remote exploration screen, it will display the likelihood of finding all of the hidden systems. Are all of the systems procedurally generated at the beginning of the game and you have a chance of discovering the hidden system each time you scan a sector based on the reported likelihoods? And must I do a full scan to insure that there are no hidden systems or are they always reveled by a lower level scan?
  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Higher scanning levels also reveal space monsters, ancient ruins and details about wormholes in systems. If the system has an accretion disk, it will reveal the accretion disk's economic potential. You can know more details on what information may be revealed in a system at which scanning level by checking the scanning level tooltip in the system view.

    All systems are procedurally generated at the beginning of the game. When you scan sectors which happen to have hidden systems, they will be revealed according with the scan level required to reveal them (e.g. rogue planets are only found with full scan). So, if a hidden system is in a given sector it will be revealed.

    Certain systems are revealed by different scanning levels. As mentioned above, rogue planets are only revealed by a full scan. Other systems (e.g. Brown Dwarf) can be revealed with lower scanning levels. Some types of systems may be revealed at advanced scan, but can occasionally be revealed with basic scan. The sector tooltip when doing remote exploration provides hints at what may be expected to be revealed in what sectors at a given scanning level. It doesn't mean all types of objects listed in that tooltip will be found there, but it shows how likely it is to find a particular type of system given the characteristics of the sector (e.g. nebulae types inside or nearby the sector).
  3. timoteob

    timoteob Ensign

    Sep 23, 2021
    Thanks for the clarification, lots of good information in your post. I have updated my cheat sheet with the information that you provided..

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