Feedback + questions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Allen C, Jan 16, 2021.

  1. Allen C

    Allen C Cadet

    Jan 16, 2021
    Hello, Interstellar Space Genesis is turning out to be a very intriguing 4x, im a big fan of turn based games like this, and its very easy to run too, apart from the 3d planet surfaces, it takes almost no computer resources, so thanks because my preferred way to play most turned based games is pc power user multi-tasking, with browsers in the background, music playing etc, a long play through.

    Ive had several playthroughs now, and i noticed a pattern that seems to be a bug, when i turn off tech sharing / brokering, after a 100 or so turns ai will start sharing tech!
    Thats very annoying game breaker for me, (maybe a further option of tech sharing after 50-200 turns or something)


    Ideally the option could be a in game feature, ie a research space station, or like babylon 5, where ai can start sharing tech or treaties, or mercs or other ai can blow it up and disable the tech sharing, treaties

    Basically more space interactivity, ship yards, other active bonuses, but thats a little in the galciv III realm.

    Also I like AI profiles or ai's that dont like alliances etc, ones that turtle up and only attack to capture a target then turtle up again, like sins of the solar empire profiles. or maybe split fleets into skirmish fleets and main fleets, to attack attrition assets like shipyards etc, or planet defenses, and run away.

    Other then that the game is very enjoyable, my prefered turn based right now, and im very curious how it can change.
  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Hi, thanks for your feedback and welcome to the forums.

    Regarding tech brokering, it doesn't switch off tech sharing. When turned on, players can share all the techs they have with others even if they didn't research them themselves (acquired by other means like espionage, traded with others, etc). With tech brokering off, players can only trade techs they have researched themselves.

    With respect to the AI profiles, some affinities will tend to turle more while others prefer to be more aggressive and fight more wars. For instance, the Nova affinity are benevolent and explorers, the Human are entrepeneurs and diplomatic. Even the Moltar affinity tends to be more peaceful in nature. In contrast, the Draguul are conquerors and honorable and the Sulak are erratic and opportunist. These two tend to be the most aggressive. If you have the Natural Law expansion, the Cerixx plutocrats and intimidators can also be quite aggressive. When creating custom races you can pick an affinity you'd like certain AI races to have when you play against them.

    I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your time with the game! More content is planned for the near future in the form of major free updates and paid expansions, so there will be more to look for down the road.
  3. Allen C

    Allen C Cadet

    Jan 16, 2021
    thanks for info, i will keep trying the new game settings like that,, ISG is a great game
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