Former Space Sector Reviewer- Liking what I see!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lordxorn, Nov 30, 2018.

  1. Lordxorn

    Lordxorn Cadet

    Nov 30, 2018
    Hey Adam! This is Brian, and I have been lurking in the forums and email updates watching the development of your project. I want to congratulate you on making it into Alpha, it is truly an impressive feat for any indie dev, former blogger! The game looks very promising and I will definitely be buying it.

    I re-read the Space Game Junkie preview and I wanted to add my two cents to anyone who is on the fence of supporting you. What set this game apart was how Adam Solo created a community of MOO/MOO2 refugees way before the all the updated 4x games came out. We all pitched it with reviews and comments about each game that was released, which I think very strongly informed Adam's development of this game.

    Sure the graphics are indie, but they look gorgeous considering that! Tactical combat is also like designing a whole new game, which is why many indie devs failed at recreating MOO2. My current favorite AAA studio 4x game is Stellaris, and it lacks tactical combat.

    So congratulations again Adam, and I wish you the best of luck!
    • Helpful Helpful x 4
  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Hey Brian, welcome to the forums!

    Thanks for the kind words. We did have a great community of space 4X fans over MoO/MoO2 refugees, hehe, nice one. Yes, reviewing all those games over the years can certainly help one understand what works and what doesn't. Me and MalRey took the plunge and with the help of the SpaceSector contributors and community we've finally reached Alpha and I believe we have something here that I think everyone involved can be proud of.

    We're not there yet though, but we definitely reached a very important milestone. The prospects for a strong release are good but there's still a lot of work to do. I believe we'll be ready in Q2 2019 to offer a great space 4X experience to everyone. So, please stick around and help us with the cause to make the most complete and comprehensive turn-based space 4X we can possibly can.

    And the official release is just the beginning... Praxis Games is here to stay and continue making great games for our wonderful community.

    See you around.

    • Agree Agree x 3

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