Hot posts in thread: ISG Dev Diary #8 - Pre-Alpha 10 Features Preview

  1. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    Good that I could help :) Now I start playing :)
  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Wow, amazing job rxnnxs, thanks a lot for that!

    I confess that we haven't devoted much time to graphical optimizations yet. We do limit the framerate, to keep the CPU (and the GPU we hoped) from going overboard. And, for a while people seemed to be content with that (some people reported their fans going crazy in the past, and the issue seemed resolved). However, we must have a look at that GPU usage and load. On very high it's really an "all in" no-care taken high graphical setting at the moment, to see till where we could go.

    In fact, you hardly need to go above High at the moment, to see all the game has to offer quality-wise. Ok, so maybe very high will give you even higher anti-alising, but the rest you'll hardly notice (e.g. further shadows quality and stuff).

    Normal seems "Ok" in terms of GPU usage, by what you report (66% max usage perhaps). However, Very high goes to almost 100%, in the system and colony views. It's understandable to some degree, since those are the areas that are more graphics intensive.

    We'll investigate this. In the meantime, perhaps you could try High settings, to see if it's a good compromise in terms of resource usage for the time being?

    Thanks again.
  3. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    Well, its not understandable for me where this need for gpu power comes from.
    When i play on normal, I have a quiet PC. Will begin when there is time again :)
    Just to make sure you understand: I have no game that needs that much GPU power. Not PUBG, not any other Space Sim, not Supreme Commander..
    Well, there was one that was almost as GPU hungry: Sword Of The Stars 2!
    • Helpful Helpful x 1
  4. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    On very high:
    • Helpful Helpful x 1
  5. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    The shorter procedure with Normal Quality Settings:
    • Helpful Helpful x 1
  6. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    The settings are 1920x1080
    Quality Settings: Very Low
    Full Screen

    Now I took the time to Start the game and watch the Load with Process Explorer from Mark Russinovich.

    I marked the changes in game and the starting of the game with irfanview with arrows in the screenshot.

    I wrote down the time before switching to another view by alt-tabbing to the desktop and checked with the mouse in the gpu load diagram. I figured the load stays the same. This is normal for a game in this state and sure will not be in the final. I am sure you know of that.

    Now i deliver the two pictures. One is the screenshot with the comments, the other is the system view to make sure you know what I am talking about.

    So, I write it down in short:
    1. Starting the game, waiting at load screen.
    2. Loading a game
    3. staying at galaxy screen for ~30seconds
    4. staying in system screen ~30 seconds
    5. staying in colony screen ~30 seconds.
    6 exiting the game via exit game to desktop
    solsystemview.jpg gpu load Very Low.jpg
    • Helpful Helpful x 1
  7. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Can you tell which parts of the game you feel were more intense for your card? Could you also be playing in a higher quality setting than before (quality is set at game launch)?

    I've checked and the framerate is capped as expected (60FPS at Normal graphical quality and 120FPS at High and Very High). The only part that has unlimited FPS at the moment, and that can strain the graphics card, is is at game start, because we haven't control over that part of the program, yet.

    Let us know.
  8. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    Whatever you did, my Geforce GTX 770 ist working on 100% and the dedicated memory is full (1,9GB).

    In version 9 it was not that intense.

    Now I have to say that it happens on the highest graphical settings. now i chose the lowest, and while i can not see much difference, the GPU load goes down to 20-50%. It depends what graphic is open. colony view is now at 25% GPU load, star view with the sun animation it goes up to 50%.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2018
  9. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
  10. vmxa

    vmxa Commander

    Oct 14, 2016
    Yeah no need to rush a little more time not a problem.
    • Helpful Helpful x 1
  11. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    A quick update on the new build.

    The plan was to release Pre-Alpha 10 today. Things were looking good, but this is a big one, so we decided to postpone the release just a little while longer so we can do a bit more testing and make sure you have the smoothest experience possible, with the minimal amount of bugs or glitches.

    We should be good to go next week. We'll keep you informed.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Adam & MalRey
    • Helpful Helpful x 1
  12. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Hey BigDC, welcome to the forums!

    We're doing some more testing to make sure the new build is as stable as possible. We expect to be releasing it in the next couple of weeks.
    • Helpful Helpful x 1
  13. BigDC

    BigDC Cadet

    Feb 4, 2018
    any ETA for the new patch?
  14. vmxa

    vmxa Commander

    Oct 14, 2016
    Explorminate mention the game in their weekly update today.
    • Helpful Helpful x 2
  15. Wanderer

    Wanderer Ensign

    Jan 6, 2018
    Danke für die schnelle und umfassende Antwort, ihr habt Recht der Spielspaß steht an erster Stelle.
  16. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Hey Wanderer,

    I 'm glad you're liking the new graphics. Importing your favorite heroes (i.e. modding the leader portraits) is an interesting idea and something that we can consider for the modding phase.

    Your idea for minor races, ones that are sentient but not a fully fledged race in the game is something we will be considering at some point in time. Maybe not for the release, but most probably for a DLC or expansion.

    Your suggestions for the implications of terraforming are sound, and in line with our own thoughts. We'll explore the leader desires feature to make terraforming more interesting, perhaps the leader askes a favor of you, you return and then you get some bonus from the leader and/or the entire population under the leader. If you say no, there could also be consequences. We'll also explore the implications of terraforming from the standpoint of the other races. Some will not be happy about it, of seeing you terraform their ideal environments to ones that are hostile to them.

    Your preference in having more tactical elements in battle (e.g. asteroid fields) is noted. We'll see. Fun comes first of all, of course. But we'll explore the possibility of adding more tactical elements if that is found to be adding to the fun, and experience. So, perhaps not immediately, but we may revisit this at some point, during the development of the first release, or beyond.

    Correct. If we refuse the leader's wishes there will be consequences, which may include them leaving the empire. We'll be focusing on all leader matters, including creating new desires, traits and the leader desertion/rebellion mechanics for Pre-Alpha 11.

    Yes, orbital stations will be available now, which you can exploit commercially. They can also help defend a more vital colony. Soon, you'll be able to play with that.

    Thanks Wanderer. Talk to you soon.
  17. Wanderer

    Wanderer Ensign

    Jan 6, 2018
    Liebe Entwickler von Interstellar Space Genesis

    die neue Ankündigung der Alpha 10 gibt mir einen Anlass Euch zu schreiben.

    Aus der gezeigten Grafik entnehme ich mal das Artwork für die zukünftigen Rennen und Raumschiffe – sie gefallen mir sehr gut ( ich mag gut gestaltete Sachen). Sehr dankbar wäre ich Euch auch wenn es später einmal ohne große Programmierkenntnisse die Möglichkeit gibt eigene Helden per Bild zu Importieren (sorry ich bin ein Perry Rhodan Fan).

    Da wir einmal bei Rennen sind im Spiel gibt es so genannte freundliche Natives, wenn das Tiere und Pflanzen mit niedrigen Intellekt sind geht der Produktionsbonus flach in Ordnung. Was aber wenn es sich um eine empfindungsfähige Spezies handelt,dann hätte ich für zu künftige DlC`s einige Vorschläge. Stellt Euch einmal eine außerirdische Fraktion landet in Amerika, würdet ihr gleich hurra schreien und 25% Eures Nationaleinkommens anbieten? Im besten Fall verhaltet ihr Euch neutral. Mit guten Aktionen verdient man sich dann langsam das Vertrauen der Bevölkerung.

    ( zum Beispiel Gebäude die den Kulturaustausch fördern. Rücksicht auf die Umwelt..) Ein guter Weg wäre wenn der Anführer dieser Kultur ( erfordert vielleicht ein Gesicht der Zivilisation)sich mit einem wichtigen Anliegen an den Spieler wendet, wird dieser positiv beschieden;-es passiert erst einmal nichts aber nach mehreren Anfragen erhöht sich vielleicht die Produktion oder es wird bei den Aliens ein Spezialgebäude errichtet ,welches den Aliens und dem Spieler Vorteile bringt zum Beispiel Spezialplanetenschild oder einmalige Forschungsfähigkeit im Universum. Natürlich geht auch das Gegenteil: Wir terraformieren einen Planeten ohne Rücksicht oder breiten uns ohne Rücksicht über den ganzen Planeten aus. Die Reaktionen der Gegenseite könnten dann sein Technologiediebstal, Revolution(Krieg mit einer eigene Armee und Bauwerken auf der Planetenoberfäche), Verrat öffnen eines Planetenschildes während einer Invasion...

    Das bringt mich zu einer anderen Sache. Ich bin zwar nicht der große Kämpfer aber werde mein Imperium gegen Angreifer verteidigen . In diesem Zusammenhang möchte ich den Beitrag des Kollegen Konstantin würdigen,- die vorgeschlagen Elemente in der Grafik machen Sinn, mir gefallen die Einschränkungen im Asteroidenfeld am meisten.

    Ein großes Alleinstellungsmerkmal dieses Spiels ist das meine Helden mit mir reden,- wirklich super !! Allerdings nicht jeder Charakter ist ein guter Verlierer wenn er einen angestrebten Posten nicht bekommt, vielleicht könnte er die Fraktion dann auch verlassen?

    Ich freue mich schon auf die neuen Orbitalstationen mit Zolldock, Frachterhafen ..

    Damit schließe ich für heute – weiterhin gutes Gelingen .
    • Helpful Helpful x 2
  18. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    And many of the things added that will help with the polish and with having a better overview over your empire, as you say, were in response to your feedback and of others. So, thank you a lot for that! ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    Oh thank you so much! So many things I wished them to come true are taken care of and make me looking forward to get this new Alpha into my hands :)
    I can wait though and thank you for the info. This sounds like so much and goood work.
    I could pick out some really nice things you realized, but hey, all of this is sounding so polished and good, like always, I am sure this will bring us players a huge and intense February with many adventures in the stellar space.
    And with intense combats and an even better overview over our space faring nation :)
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  20. vmxa

    vmxa Commander

    Oct 14, 2016
    Now this sounds exciting.
    • Agree Agree x 1