Miniturization with Ruin Reward Weapons

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pnye71, Nov 6, 2018.

  1. pnye71

    pnye71 Ensign

    May 18, 2017
    So I have received weapon techs, such as Chaos (thingy can't remember) and Ion Discharger on various ruin discoveries or events. Are these subject to Miniturization? And if so, could we have it show it's proper place on the tech research screen?

    Thanks. Really loving the game this go around. You have implemented a lot of great changes. Loving the races and their specials. How many more races are in the works?
  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    The unique super techs found only in ruins are not subject to miniaturization. When you discover them that's what you get. And I would say they are already quite powerful as they are :) By the way, in the next build/hotfix, to release soon, we will show the miniaturization level of each ship component so that we can better plan the ship design.

    It's great to hear you're loving the game, that's really good news and means a lot to us. As for the number of races, we plan on adding at least 2 more for release.
  3. pnye71

    pnye71 Ensign

    May 18, 2017
    Yippee! More races. That is very exciting! So maybe tied to the remaining biomes other than barren of course? There's still icy and desert awaiting native races...
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2018

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