Missing save games (and possibly folder)

Discussion in 'Bug Reports / Tech Support' started by Athrahasis, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. Athrahasis

    Athrahasis Cadet

    Jan 21, 2021
    • 1.2.4
    • I played the game for the first time two days ago. I am happy to say I was enjoying myself and had numerous autosave files, and manual ones. When starting up now it shows an empty screen for savegames. I found the folder to likely be AppData\LocalLow\Praxis Games\ISG but, what I find there is the following and a suspicious lack of a folder or file named along the lines of 'saved games'. I would not know where else to look ( checked the other appdata folder as well).
    • Player.log included, I pressed start new game before I saw these had to be included though I have of this moment not actually started one.

    I am not sure I can provide much here. Version: GOG. At first startup my anti-virus ran the game contained, yet I added it to my allowed applications. During the first 2-3 hours I played I restarted the game once or twice and loaded a save game.

    Attached Files:

  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016

    yes, save files can be found in that folder: C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\LocalLow\Praxis Games\ISG\ You will find the saves next to the Player and Player-prev log files. However, I see you don't have any save files there.

    Since you say you had numerous autosave files and manual ones, and say you had to add an exception to your anti-virus software to be able to run the game, the only explanation I see for the missing save files is that they were probably deleted by your anti-virus software. So, I'd recommend you add that saves folder as an exception to your anti-virus software and then check to see if the save files remain.

    Also, if the save files were deleted, you could perhaps have a look at your recycle bin to see if they are there, unless the anti-virus software (if the one to delete the files) didn't delete them permanently.

    Another thing you could try is to disable cloud saving sync on your GOG client:


    One thing you could try if the above doesn't work is to launch and start a game. Then you save a game. Then, and without exiting the game, you check if the file was written to disk in the saves folder mentioned above (use alt+tab to get to windows without terminating the game). If you can see the save file is there, then something is deleting the file afterwards, possibly the anti-virus.

    Let me know if anything of the above helped.
    • ThumbsUp ThumbsUp x 1
  3. Athrahasis

    Athrahasis Cadet

    Jan 21, 2021
    Good evening Adam.

    Having gone over all things, I can report launching a game now and saving keeps the saves there, and they stay.(The only thing I have not done to confirm is reboot my system.)

    I must say that I have gone over every part of the anti-virus, containment etc, no trace of the files there where they then should be mentioned if the containment system boxed them up. Nor in the recycle bin. I am still not quite sure where it went wrong exactly then.

    Now I have re-enabled the GOG cloud sync, and could download the cloud save backups (of my new virgin save) from there. To be sure after I make a full new game now I will backup the saves myself, just in case.

    Thank you for the rapid response. I really like the game so far, and hope to delve further into it.

    Have a great evening.
    • ThumbsUp ThumbsUp x 2

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