Hot posts in thread: No achievements in (non-galaxy) GOG version

  1. Starling

    Starling Cadet

    Jul 4, 2021
    Thanks for your explanations. GOG Galaxy is somehow problematic to run under Wine [1]. No (local) achievements in not a big problem, however, in hindsight, I could buy a Humble (widget)/Ichi version instead.

    [1] - I remember that Linux is not supported, however, probably not all (Windows) people also use GOG Galaxy, so there could be a choice for a standalone version to have only local achievements (just an idea).
  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Yes, GOG achievements only work when GOG Galaxy is running, inline with how GOG works. You don't need to be logged in / online in GOG Galaxy for achievements to work, but the GOG Galaxy client must be running in the background.

    In the Humble Bundle and Itchio versions of the game, achievements work locally. By the way, on Steam, Steam achievements require that the Steam client must be running, like GOG does for GOG Galaxy, but in the case of GOG, achievements will also work if you're offline (not connected to the internet), but the GOG Galaxy client needs to be running in the background.
  3. Starling

    Starling Cadet

    Jul 4, 2021
    I've checked the achievements menu after finishing a game (a galactic emperor victory) and there is no achievement completed at all (for sure I completed at least a few). Is it a limitation of not using GOG Galaxy? If yes, maybe they could be at least stored locally (I don't know if it works with

    ISG 1.3.4.