
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Joe3, Nov 18, 2018.

  1. Joe3

    Joe3 Ensign

    Nov 1, 2016
    Some random thoughts about research.

    I saw that about 2 years ago there were some posts about researching more than one thing at a time. Konstantine and Adam Solo had some very interesting observations about that and related topics. So, yes, I'm sure there are no plans for multiple simultaneous research tracks now. I regret that, but perhaps in ISG-2?

    Also mentioned was research in Stars In Shadow. I thought that game something of a disappointment, but one thing I did like was the ability to set up a line of research that took the guesswork out of what to research in order to get to "X", whatever that might be. I wonder if that's a possibility for a some later version of ISG?

    There was also talk about keeping your interest and the sense of wonder. I don't remember who said it, but I agree with them that SMAC really did a good job of that. There's too much micro-management in that game but I still play it to this day. And, I may say, I still play MOO2 for the same reason!

    On a more current and practical note, I think someone mentioned text size in ISG, and that it's going to be addressed. I hope so because in the research tree text is very hard to read. At least for me.

    Just thinking, not complaining!
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  2. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    It was me my friend, inspired by a conversation with @dayrinni
    Two years ago though, things were very different, this current version is already building up nicely to it.
    I play now, hoping to find certain things, sometimes I do, and sometimes not... this helps that sense of wonder greatly. "What's in that nebula, maybe the Lynx is hidden in those ruins, which leader sill show up, etc."
    Admittedly, at least for my taste, that sense of wonder is clearly felt once you go to a large map, there is so much to explore, distances take on a new meaning... it just changes so much.
    As we play the game more and more, we all become familiar with what can be discovered, this can't be avoided, the sense of wonder is kept by not knowing if it will be discovered. MoO2 did this well, and I'm glad to see ISG following in that tradition
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  3. Joe3

    Joe3 Ensign

    Nov 1, 2016
    Hi, Konstantine. Those were just thoughts that keep coming to mind as I play. And you're right, things were very different 2 year ago. I first tried playing ISG at about Alpha 7 or 8, I think, and I've found it vastly improved since then. The developers are right on track as far as I'm concerned.

    That's not to say I don't have a wish list for this game. I do. But this far along...? Well, I'm sure the devs have their hands full implementing the current version. I'll wait for ISG 2. I'm OK with the game as is.

    But back to your comments, I, too, have noticed the sense of "what's next?" or "what's out there?" That's great. I LIKE finding surprises. Let's have bigger galaxy; more to hunt for! Yeah!
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