Researching one thing at a time

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Joe3, Apr 2, 2018.

  1. Joe3

    Joe3 Ensign

    Nov 1, 2016
    I just recently bought the game so this topic has probably already been discussed. But just in case...One thing I really, really like about MOO 1 is the ability to research several fields at the same time. I miss that in MOO 2. In fact, I can't remember any other game that allowed multiple lines of research at the same time. (Yeah, I'm getting old and my memory isn't that great anymore!) It seems inconceivable to me that an empire of one complete planet, much less 10 or 20 or more, would only allow its scientists to research one single topic. Is there any hope of seeing multiple research topics brought into ISG?
  2. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    Hi Joe3, I hope you are enjoying the game.

    Don't worry about getting old sir, it happens to the best of us:(

    There have been numerous games that allow the player to research multiple fields at the same time, SEV and Armada2056 come to mind off the top of my head, (as space based 4Xs), and a few land based tittles I own and still enjoy.

    These games allow you to take your research points and spread them against multiple fields as you desire, subsequently, they also allow you to focus all points on a single field should you decide to do so. For me personally, that is the greatest advantage that such a system offers, it caters to more players and allows more impactful decision making as regards research.

    ISG draws its inspiration from MoO2, so it’s understandable as to why the Devs have followed the single item research approach, (though with significant differences), and it works very well in-game, better than one might expect. Of course, that doesn’t mean that your observation is without merit and that it wouldn’t be an improvement.
  3. Joe3

    Joe3 Ensign

    Nov 1, 2016
    Hi Konstantine, good to hear from you again. I don't think the multiple research option is a deal breaker, or I wouldn't still be playing MOO 2 (and MOO 1). And it won't stop me from enjoying this game. I guess it's just something I'll keep for my wish list because, to me, it's important.

    And yes, I do emphasize certain research early in MOO 1, as does the AI, I think. Towards the mid-game I tend to even it all out. Again, I really do like that option. BTW, I haven't played Armada 2056 in a long time and don't remember anything about research. But I do remember that Space Empires V allowed you to choose several research projects at once (8, I think) but they put them in a queue and you researched them one at a time. Almost as good. I agree, there are probably a lot of other games that allow multiple simultaneous research options.

    Have a great day!

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