Hot posts in thread: Science fiction becoming Science

  1. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    Got something else for you guys today, it struck me funny that we are involved in building a game about interstellar space... yet may not even know the composition of our own solar system.

    It's a quick little article here
  2. Mark

    Mark Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    It works on sonics so it looks like any space-based applications are out. On the plus side though the potential use in tactile feedback for games looks absolutely amazing. And lets face it, games are more important. :)
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  3. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    Man... I'm starting to feel ancient, just yesterday I ran into this article here
    It seems that another piece of tech that we grew up with as science fiction is transitioning into reality, specifically, we are on our way to tractor beams! While the article seemed to dwell on "cute" and happy applications, I can see this being militarized and commercialized in ways that could both benefit mankind in new ways... or introducing another method of taking out millions of our fellow men.
    Interesting times indeed...
    • Agree Agree x 3