Hot posts in thread: Stoping the snowball.

  1. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    Good question Ashbery76
    ISG has this roughly 75% contained based on what I've seen so far. A sequence that makes such undesirable growth occur happens roughly one time in four, there is definitely room for improvement in my opinion. I don't know how much more of that can be done by adjusting the existing mechanics versus needing the introduction of new ones
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Ashbery76

    Ashbery76 Ensign

    Jul 15, 2017
    One issue old games like Moo2 had that the new generation like Paradox has solved to a degree is the out of control snowball.You expand faster get that lucky early brake with a good planet and the game is over.What are your plans to counter this.I think there is realism argument too.Countries with small economies like Russia are not that far behind in tech to advanced ecnomies.India with a billion people do not research faster,heh.

    I liked EU4 mechanics a lot.Tech spreading to neighbors,penalties per planet,ect,Coalitions,Diplomacy mechanics like CB and wargoals,etc.I think space 4x games should mature and be more than just conquer games.

    Bigger should have better capabilities but not to the level those old 4x .
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