Suggestion: rally points

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mephisto, Aug 9, 2020.

  1. Mephisto

    Mephisto Cadet

    Aug 9, 2020

    I've really been enjoying the game so far. It truly is what you advertise: the spiritual successor to Master of Orion 2.

    My only gripe so far as how tedious it becomes to manage your fleets on huge maps towards the end of the game. For example, when you have 20+ planets, most of them fully developed and continuously producing combat or assault ships that you want to regroup. Another example is having a leader with a high Corporate skill dedicated to developing new colonies by redirecting all asteroid mining operations to said colony. Switching over to a new planet and redirecting all asteroid mining operations to that new planet is tedious.

    I would suggest the possibility to define waypoints.

    Military waypoints:
    • You can assign a new military waypoint or relocate an existing one to any accessible sector.
    • When ordering a ship of fleet to move, instead of selecting a sector for its destination, you can select a military waypoint. From that point on (until you give it different orders), that ship or fleet is bound to that military waypoint and will always follow it.
    • Planets can be ordered to automatically send newly produced military and assault ships to a given military waypoint.
    • When you relocate a military waypoint to a new sector, all ships bound to that waypoint immediately start moving towards that new sector. If some of those ships can't do that, for example because they currently are in transit to a different sector, they switch destination to the waypoint as soon as they are able to.
    Development waypoints:
    • You can assign a new development waypoint or relocate an existing one to any planet that you possess.
    • Asteroid mining operations can be assigned to a development waypoint instead of a specific planet. When you relocate the development waypoint, all mining operations assigned to that waypoint are automatically redirected to the new planet.

    This would make the endgame so much more enjoyable.
  2. Mephisto

    Mephisto Cadet

    Aug 9, 2020
    Maybe "beacon" would be a more adequate term.
  3. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Hi Mephisto, thanks for your suggestions, and welcome to the forums!

    Waypoints/rallypoints have been a common request by players and is currently in our TODO list with high priority, so there's a good chance it will be available in a future update.

    Whatever the final implementation will be, the idea is that you should be able to order planets to send newly produced military ships (including assault ships) to a given location automatically, aka waypoint or rallypoint. That way, you can amass your forces without having to give the orders to all produced ships.

    As for your development waypoints suggestion, or a way to allow mass-relocation of exploitations between colonies, that is also in the big list of items to consider for the future. It has less priority than military waypoints but there's a chance something along those lines might be offered at some point.

    I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the game!
  4. CyclopsSlayer

    CyclopsSlayer Cadet

    Jul 20, 2020
    One feature I loved from Distant Worlds was Fleets. I would assign ships in construction to 'Fleet XX' that would be off doing something. As the ships built they would travel across the maps to merge with their fleets.
    It effectively reduced any number of ships to a single object to control.

    Hmm, might not have been Distant Worlds, haven't played that since I misplaced my account keys several years ago.

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