Suggestions for Combat UI improvements

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pnye71, Nov 21, 2018.

  1. pnye71

    pnye71 Ensign

    May 18, 2017
    So, some suggestions to improve UI during combat:
    1) Some sort of hotkey (tab or spacebar) to automatically jump to the next ship - especially the next ship that hasn't taken its full move or fired all its weapons. I noticed that you can fire and then select another ship while the first one is still firing - this could drastically speed up combat.
    2) When trying to move to a spot on the battlefield it's really clunky to have to click rotate, turn in the direction you wish to travel and then click again to move there. If we could instead click where we want to go and have ship automatically turn in the correct direction and move towards the desired spot, all in one click. Maybe have the ability to turn this on and off, or have right-click do all in one move and left-click the old style move.
    3) The little box with the ship leaders picture and the >> circle and checkmark icons is way to far to the left of the screen, making it necessary to scroll way left to click the >> or other icons. Maybe move this grouping to the middle or right of the middle UI?
    Just some QOL suggestions. Overall loving the game and its shaping up to be something special.

    P.S. Dying to have more races. Any possibility of a meklon like or cybernetic race?
  2. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    I second this.

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