Hot posts in thread: The Biggest enemy fleet to date...

  1. Ironsides

    Ironsides Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
    Not the biggest battle though the fed are heavily outnumbered however they have "Nakuthians Pride" a powerfull gift from a minor civ, originally this came with 5 standard plasma beam + max structure, but I upgraded to 3 plasma HV AF and combat jump, its about to jump in behind the enemy BSs where they have no shields and blow them to hell, a very handy gift from the Nakuthians, combat jump is such a usefull system to have it suprises me that I dont see more of it in the game:

    Battle at Ezuno 1.jpg

    Battle at Ezuno 2.jpg
  2. Ironsides

    Ironsides Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
    This was the end for the Kaek( and effectively the game), although they had other fleets probably totalling the same number of battleships they never brought them together in such a large fleet again, not that it would have made any difference...
    A combination of immense fire power from Helium3 (even though the kaek had neutronium armour) and leadership meant that the fed simply walked over them with no losses, the Kaek couldn't make hits for the most part...
    I suppose really I shouldn't select helium 3 as a beam weapon/shield enhancer...
    The battle occured not because the Kaek attacked, but rather I saw an opportunity to destroy a large number of their ships, which were a potential threat to some of my colonys...
    But with hindsite I think the Kaek would never have attacked but rather sought an alliance...

    This is because I replayed the game from an earlier save and they became allies...

    The game settings can make a great difference, so maybe I need to reduce research but increase production whilst limiting resources, I think this may result in a more competitive game and give the aliens more of a chance...:)

    So I'm going to go for 50/100 with average resources, I've already tried 50/75** and it only extended game time to reach critical mass for the "Fed" (who were actually my own warrior race creation Nordhiem*)... I think raising production will increase the size of all fleets, but we'll see...

    One further thought, I think its not necesary to the be the leader in all things, ie Tek etc, just have the right things, in my last game** this happened on turn 160ish, but still didn't fight any factions untill turn 247:

    It became apparant that if Nordheim didn't stop them the Sulak, who were rapidly expanding, would destroy the Palaceans who were practically allies on my left flank (they'd already asked)...
    So I made an alliance with the dragul on my right flank (congenial with multiple treaties) and palaceans and attacked the very large Sulak fleets... at the same time suggesting to the dragul that they may want to lend a hand , to which they promptly agreed...

    Morale was low in the fed camp...and this point in the game I did not feel Confident in success!... I didn't know if they had "cloak and dagger" but assumed they did, this can be deadly particularly if they have the initiative...
    However I had luther kataki with 11 initiative!
    This was a make or break moment, as it turned out the sulak had many more ships then thought including several TTs...

    Local Situation turn 247
    Nordhiem attacks Sulak.jpg

    First battle at Aztlan
    First battle at Aztlan Nordhiem vs Sulak.jpg

    The "Nordheim" Thor BS is armed with standard plasma beam and combat jump and a recent addition to the fleet, which in total has 4 battleships, about 12 cruiser and 10 destroyers (mostly guard duty) and a few frigates, four came from a ruins including the "Pulveriser" which is currently on guard duty at Thioztep, about half the fleet are committed elsewhere...

    It became apparant the large enemy ships had a weak spot, no shields in the rear which made them an easy target for the short range but powerfull weapons of the "Thor", which could combat jump in behind them...
    The Nordheim"Loki" Bs has an Ion Beam! and disabled the Sulak TT, but attempts to capture it failed and it had to be destroyed..
    Most shots missed for both sides nordheim had enhanced targeting, sulak cloak and dagger etc..

    The sulak have many more ships moving in and Atzlan becomes a focal point for several battles, eventually the nordheim would capture a sulak TT and make it their flagship the "Jörmungandr", and the war would eventually go on till turn 271 when the sulak were finally defeated... but it didnt end there...
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2022
  3. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016

    You will encounter even larger fleets in the future, it all depends on how the game unfolds. I'll send you a shot of a very recent battle tonight. It's a large battle, but as the session progresses, there will be even larger ones in the future.
    • ThumbsUp ThumbsUp x 1
  4. Ironsides

    Ironsides Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
    So just to put it in context settings for the game are 75% research 100% production across the board...

    This is turn 299-300 Fed attacks one of the Kaek fleets:

    Fed vs Kaek 1.jpg


    Fed vs Kaek 3.jpg