UI suggestions (QoL)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vovchigus, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. Vovchigus

    Vovchigus Cadet

    Mar 9, 2020
    Please consider these quality of life UI suggestions:

    1. A spreadsheet overview of all Colonies which you now only have when putting a Governor to a Colony. Please make such spreadsheet one click away from the main screen.
    2. Ability to scrap Freighters. How come you can't scrap them once created? :)
    3. When you go chatting with another nation from the Diplomacy screen you should be back to the Diplomacy screen when closing this chat. As in many cases, you go there to speak with multiple nations.
    4. Search field on the Research screen so we can search/filter by keyword through tech description. For example, a player can filter all the techs that influence outposts, or increase RP, SCP, etc, or find the tech that gives him a Support ship.
    5. Interstellarpedia in any possible form.
    6. A queue for multiple ship orders (movement between Systems) (shift + any amount of clicks (jumps between systems) player needs)
    7. Rally Points for a Colony for newly created/upgraded ships (ctrl + click)
    8. More comfortable drag and drop while rearranging building build queue. It should work much more smoothly than it is now when you are often unsuccessful with it.

    Thank you for all the hard work you are putting in this awesome game!
    • Helpful Helpful x 1
  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Hi Vovchigus, thanks for your suggestions and your kind words, and welcome to the forums.

    These are very nice suggestions, I'll see what I can do. Some of these were already in the "big list" of things to consider adding at some point. Others I added to the list just now.

    Thanks again.

    • ThumbsUp ThumbsUp x 1
  3. Jean-Luc

    Jean-Luc Cadet

    Apr 4, 2020
    If I may add a few.

    1. "PD all targets" should be on by default.

    Let's say you use dedicated escort ships with mostly just pd, you'd specifically want them to protect other ships and target missiles heading for them. On the other hand if you just sprinkle a bit of pd on all or most of your ships you still want them targeting all missiles because AI tends to focus fire on 1 or 2 targets and you need ships to cooperate to protect individual units.

    Sure, there might be situations where you'd prefer having "PD all targets" off but they are vastly outnumbered by those where you want it on and enabling it for every ship battle after battle is quite a chore.

    2. Saving combat UI settings.

    Right now the default settings are to show range and movement options, not show ship alerts and have a 70 degree viewing angle. If you change them these settings reset back to default after every battle. It'd be great if the game remembered changes to these settings so they don't have to be tweaked every battle if one prefers something other than default. This especially goes for the 45° view angle.

    3. It'd be really helpful to have separate fleet selection icons for military and civilian (survey and support) ships on the galactic map. The civilian selection button could be on the left with the military shield button staying on the right. This would provide a much clearer overview of where your non-combat ships are at any given time and also make it so you don't have to remember to deselect civilian ships every time you're moving out with your combat fleet. Needing to move both combat and non-combat ships together at the same time to the same spot is pretty rare.

    The fleet selection icons could also stand to be larger (and thus easier to click on).
    • Helpful Helpful x 1

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