Unique technology for each race

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Björn, Mar 9, 2021.

  1. Björn

    Björn Ensign

    Mar 9, 2021
    Hi All,
    I played the game for a while and it is really good. One thing would improve the game and that is some unique technology like weapons or infrastructure.

    Invading planets are a way more interesting if you can steal a human technology only i.e.
    But all in all, a very good game. Looking forward to the next expansion set.

  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Hi Björn, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your time with the game, and thanks for your suggestion.

    I understand the appeal of offering unique technologies for each race, and that was actually considered as a potential feature, but in the end it didn't make it in due to several reasons. We opted to offer race uniqueness through other means, namely through the race's unique abilities and a special ability for the race's Titan (for example, only the Draguul Titan can equip a kinetic spinal mount weapon). The unique abilities are tied to the race, although you can use them in other races when designing custom races, if you wish. As for the Titan, you can capture a rival one in battle to take advantage of its special ability.

    On top, each race has a set of racial modifiers, special abilities, a preferred planet type and government type. Each race also starts with a different infrastructure development configuration in their homeworld. We also offer unique technologies which can only be acquired through searching ancient ruins.

    That said, offering more racial diversity is always good in our book, so although unique technologies may be an unlikely feature to implement at this point (although we never know for sure), there may be other ways we can explore to offer even more uniqueness when playing the different races in the future.
  3. Björn

    Björn Ensign

    Mar 9, 2021
    Hi Adam,
    I agree, the modifications for the Titans are a good feature. Honestly, I've got only money or nothing from the ruins. Maybe I have to retry it with a trained commander. The racial configuration system is most the same for all games like yours and there is nothing to complain. Maybe this is the most dangerous state, since I cannot provide any feedback for improvements.

    GalCiv offers different races and a unique tech tree in a way. But it lacks on the feature you have with your Titans i.e. At the end it is a trade off as you've sad.

    I was thinking of some kind of quests, but other games like GalCiv offer it and it was always boring for me. Anyway, I am sure there are some exiting features in the queue.

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