What about System Defense Ships?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rxnnxs, Oct 12, 2018.

  1. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    The System Defense Ship does not need an Interstellar Engine, so it has more room for other stuff.
    And advantage when defending the own system.
    What do you think? Its the MoOIII principle.
  2. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    I was an early advocate for something like this... but the game was different at that time.
    Back then, the game was far more tilted towards the offense and SSPs were extremely hard to come by.
    Now, the game has a better balance between offense and defense and SSPs are far easier to generate. I'm not sure these type of ships are needed now and they would tilt things more towards defense, perhaps making the game feel like a grind if they're deployed heavily by all parties.
    For me then, I don't see much to be gained by this... and it could un-balance things. Normal ships are adequate enough, especially lighter classes, plus they have the advantage of strategic mobility, meaning you can withdraw them if you have to, or deploy them where needed.
    I would hold off on this.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    I like the idea of ships that never can leave the system. they would, lets say, just have 15% more space for weapons than starships.
    and as a drawback, well, they are bound to the system.
    it could be done also with colonizers that do not need a stardrive to colonize a planet in the same system as they were built in.
    but you could be right with your feeling that there could not much to be gained by this. except the feeling that you have built a ship that belongs to that system and that fights to the death to protect this system.
  4. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    This I agree with, MoO2 had colony ships for colonizing different systems, and colony bases for colonizing a planet in the same system, the later could not travel and were less expensive to build. The ISG devs may have done this on purpose though, to keep a tighter control and balance over growth.
    Hmm, my friend, you can easily fight till the death in a system if you desire, create a garrison fleet and leave it there. For example, such a fleet (and the ships in it) would be geared towards weaponry, no need for Bombs or other frills. They can get a boost from defensive structures in the colony as well. My style though doesn't allow for fighting to the death. If a fight is clearly lost, I will try and withdraw what forces I can, hopefully to regroup and counter-attack, rather than pull a last stand.
    In the early game, when ships take a considerable while to build, I find it more beneficial to retreat but preserve my forces rather than risking a collapse over a single battle gone bad.
    I will also point out another drawback to non-mobile ships. Your front (border) will change throughout the game, especially when you start playing larger maps. Over time then, you will have assets basically doing nothing as they are far from the front and garrisoning systems that are not under threat. Shame to scrap them, equal shame to leave them intact as they drain SSPs.

    You know I respect your opinion, but I really feel as the goal you desire can be accomplished with the ships on hand, and you can re-deploy as needed, refit easily etc. I just don't see the gains of including non-mobile warships at this time and do see a few possible negatives.

    If you play Hearts of Iron at all, think of garrison divisions, I wont use them except in situations where their defeat would mean a loss of the division anyway.
  5. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    Well well. You would not have to build them, but you could. So if you do not want to use them, dont :)
    But the option to have it, would make the game more diverse.

    And by the way, can't you fortify or dig in in HoI? This is also some good measurement against attacks. Plus, you better not move, otherwise you lose your digin bonus.

    And when I think of it, an outpost that can fortify would also be thinkable.
    Laser or Missile batteries with the highest tech available at that time of building , a hidden torpedo launcher in an asteroid field, a fortified hidden bunker that kills colonizer/settlers. Or even infects/infests them..
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
    • Helpful Helpful x 1
  6. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    That goes without saying my friend, each one of us has different tastes.

    You are correct, when you are defeated however, your unit is not destroyed unless it has no-where to retreat to or... it's a garrison division, a non mobile unit.

    Oooh, some cool ideas there that happen to fit in with my own personal tastes, maybe we can see something along these lines in the future.
  7. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    Now that you mention it, when a fleet in a home system ist defeated, maybe some of them could hide and come back some turns later as pirates.
    anyway, could this technique with garrisons somehow be adapted to ISG?

    I am glad to hear that. And I like it, being part of this community!
    It is really nice talking to you.
  8. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    In a sense it already is. You have orbital bases, planetary installations and ground forces ranging from Militia as default, upwards to elite units depending on if you have facilities in the colony and what type. I think these play the role of Garrison divisions quite well, though they go by a different name. Perhaps you mean something more dedicated that could be deployed at a colony of your choice?

    Same here my friend.
  9. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    Yes, you are right, on planets behalf. What I meant but did not make clear is, that I meant garrisons/troops behaviour in space or at uncolonized places.
    So all those things troops can make in HoI like dig in. Now a spaceship can not dig in, but it can hide between asteroids. Or in asteroids or mines could be layed. Stuff like this.
    But to stay at the dig in option: This is an option that would come with a pro but also with a con.
    It takes time to hide and also time to form a fleet again.

    So if you hide your forces in a system or nebula, it take time. and if you want to move this unit again you habe to wait a turn.
    The pro would be an additional attack option or to place units behind enemy lines.
    • Helpful Helpful x 1
  10. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    Intriguing concept with this, particularly about un-colonized worlds, (both owned and un-claimed)
    I need to contemplate this some more.

    Here I see the logic, by staying in-active, the forces can be considered to be changing posture from hasty defense to one of deliberate defense instead. This could give a slight defensive bonus. Movement then, would negate the posture and bonus... interesting.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    o_ODear Wanderer,

    I like your opinion and phantasy, and I thank you for going deeper into this garrison in space brainstorming.
    But somehow you tried to do a translation into english and some little redundancy happened somehow.
    Anyway, when I first read it, I laughed tears, it was so funny :)
    But maybe, for easier reading, you delete the double sentences :)
    Thank you for your input!


    Ok, lieber Wanderer, jetzt in Deutsch,

    danke für Deine Meinung und Deine Phantasie! Du hast Dir auch ausschweifende Gedanken über das eingraben von Truppen im übertragenen Sinne gemacht.
    Aber irgendwie ist da was bei der Übersetzung schief gelaufen und es ist alles drei oder vierfach in Deiner Nachricht.
    Ich habe mich auf jeden Fall amüsiert Tränen gelacht! :)
    Aber zwecks besserer Lesbarkeit wäre es nicht schlecht wenn Du es noch einmal einkürzt.
    In jedem Fall vielen Dank für Deine Ansichten!

  12. Wanderer

    Wanderer Ensign

    Jan 6, 2018
    Vielen Dank für Deinen Hinweis ich habe nicht mitbekommen das der Google Übersetzer mich im Stich gelassen hat. Ich entschuldige mich und werde versuchen am Montag den Artikel noch einmal neu zu schreiben ich hoffe er wird dann lesbar sein .
  13. Wanderer

    Wanderer Ensign

    Jan 6, 2018
    Sehr geehrte Diskussionsrunde !

    Leider ist mein erster Anlauf diesen Artikel zu schreiben völlig daneben gegangen.

    Mit großem Interesse habe ich ihre Diskussion verfolgt.:cool:

    Meine Auffassung ist das eine solche Systemverteidigungsflotte eine Art Grenzpolizei ( eine Mischung aus Zoll , Einwanderungsbehörde und Polizei) sein könnte. In Friedenszeiten ließe sich das Sternensystem überwachen, um der Entstehung von Piratennestern und unerwünschten kriminellen Netzwerken vorzubeugen oder den Ort ihrer Entstehung zu steuern ( die Flotte fliegt regelmäßig Patrouille, außer zu diesem Planeten).

    Wenn das System von einem Feind eingenommen wird, sitzt unsere Wachflotte auf Grund des fehlenden Hypersprungantriebes in der Falle. Trotzdem gibt es einige Möglichkeiten was die Reste der verbliebenen Flotte machen könnte. Wenn das neue Herrschersystem eine Generalamnestie erlässt und der Bevölkerung entgegenkommt wäre die Flotte möglicherweise bereit sich zu ergeben und die Seite zu wechseln. Kritischer sehe ich da schon die Option mit den Piraten. Warum sollten Leute die ein Leben lang Verbrecher gejagt haben plötzlich selber zu welchen werden?

    Wahrscheinlicher wäre hier die Bildung einer Rebellen- oder Partisaneneinheit diese besitzen immerhin eine militärische Struktur und eine Ehre. Natürlich braucht so ein Verband einen Stützpunkt- aber eine Garnison ehrlich ? Wo würde denn der Gegner zuerst suchen – genau dort(!) und wie hoch wären die Überlebenschancen 1-2 Züge wahrscheinlich. Ein in früheren Beiträgen beschriebener und noch nicht entdeckter Geheimstützpunkt könnte hier auf Grund seiner hervorragenden Tarnung könnte hier eine Lösung darstellen. In den Anweisungen für einen solchen Notfall, könnte dem Kommandanten die Lage des Geheimstützpunktes und der Zugangsschlüssel enthüllt werden oder man schickt einen Spion der einen solchen, für die angehende Rebellenflotte öffnet.Jetzt könnt Ihr mit Euren oben beschriebenen Aktionen loslegen. Allerdings je öfter ihr in Erscheinung( Erfolg oder Misserfolg) tretet um so höher die Chance entdeckt zu werden . Denn durch gewisse mathematische Analyseprogramme wird man den Standort dann irgendwann eingrenzen und isolieren können. Besser wäre es mit Aktionen bis kurz vor einen Gegenangriff zu warten und dann gezielt wichtige Systeme zu schwächen oder zu zu zerstören. Wird man entdeckt könnte ein Spion noch ein Zeitfenster, zur Evakuierung und Wiederversiegelung oder zur Selbstzerstörung des Stützpunktes,zur Verfügung stellen, vorausgesetzt man hat ein getarntes Trägerschiff mit Hypersprungantrieb (leer) für Kampfgleiter und und Personal in die Nähe gebracht.

    Mit ihrem Einverständnis werde ich den Alten Artikel demnächst löschen. Ich hoffe es ist alles gut lesbar.
  14. CrazyElf

    CrazyElf Lieutenant

    Nov 12, 2016
    There have been other examples of ships with no FTL capabilities in other games - or are reliant on something else (like a mothership that acts like a carrier) for system defense ships.

    An example may be the Liir-Zuul alliance in SOTS2.

    Carriers are widely use throughout many games. The interesting question, as others have noted is balance. I would like to see a faction that specializes in defense and in return, has weak offense. Most races however would be balanced between defense and offense.
  15. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    The idea of factions has merit and could be a great candidate for some future expansions. The thing for me is balance, if extra goodies are given to the defence, then there must be a fun quick way to aid the offense.

    Take the example offered by @rxnnxs as regards digging in. Here, units that stayed stationary for a number of turns would gain a defensive bonus, the difference between hasty and deliberate defence. Well if this was present, would it not make sense to allow a player to set their offensive posture also? For example, for a monetary cost, ships could be set to deliberate offense and gain a small attack bonus for the turn.

    Simplicity and balance is key. Non FTL ships are tricky, their cost and build time should be less, so they could be built quickly, but SSP maintenance could be the same, otherwise I fear that it would be difficult to assemble enough ships to overcome them. ISG is not about thousands or hundreds of ships, but rather dozens, as such, having non FTL ships could cause some unwanted consequences if careful attention isn't paid.
  16. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    To make it short, for my taste, it would be nice if system defense ships would allow a turtle behavior.
    If all enemies are dug in, so to speak, other tactics come more to play.
    Most times these games are just played by ruling the galaxy by force. if other tactics like diplomacy or trade agreements are neccessary to win, why not?
    Many games prevent turtle behavior. many allowed it in the beginnings and in the end, after some pacthes or an expansion, turtling is made impossible and the offensive units are stronger than any defense.
    while this would be logical for multiplayer, for a single player game it could be done different.
    uh, I wanted to make it short. so I stop here :)

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