Hot posts in thread: What games are you currently playing?

  1. Tynendir

    Tynendir Cadet

    Mar 28, 2017
    League of Legends for myself.
    Stellaris: Utopia
    Factorio. If people actually wants to play Factorio with me that could be fun ;p (you can hit me up on private message.

    Oh and I'm gonna play Mass Effect: Andromeda. Hopefully it's not as bad as the reviews portray it.
  2. Scifibookguy

    Scifibookguy Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2016
    World of Warcraft
  3. Baron Hattori Hanzo

    Baron Hattori Hanzo Cadet

    Apr 7, 2017
    WoW.. ????? what its exact name is ?
  4. Scifibookguy

    Scifibookguy Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2016
    This year so far I alternate between playing WoW and testing Project Space Sector, while also playing Forge of Empires :)
  5. IvanK

    IvanK Lieutenant

    Oct 17, 2016
    Serious Sam HD
  6. Baron Hattori Hanzo

    Baron Hattori Hanzo Cadet

    Apr 7, 2017
    Distant Worlds: Universe
    VGA Planets
    Master of Orion (1)
    Space Empires IV Deluxe
  7. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    I couldn't take it anymore,
    Being on this forum and discussing 4X games to this degree made me fire up a game of Imperium Galactica2.
    I have the original CDs but Just noticed a version is now available at GOG for download. I went ahead and bought that version as insurance and I see that all the cut-scenes are missing, It's a shame but the game is about 1.5 GB lighter as result.

    Considering that IG2 was released just a few short years after Moo2 all I can say is wow! IG2 looks like it was developed at least a decade later.

    Bear in mind folks, IG2 is RTS. It is also quite possibly the best execution of RTS in game that I have ever seen. The battles are also RTS but you can pause and give orders to each individual ship or to a group of ships, this is not "herding cats" as some posters have so eloquently described RTS combat.

    So many years later and just like Moo2, this game is classic.
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  8. aReclusiveMind

    aReclusiveMind Developer Grand Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
    I wish I could enjoy Civilization VI, I really do. I think I'm going to have to wait for the first major expansion to give it another go though. I suppose if I hear the AI has been significantly overhauled I might be compelled to return to it sooner.

    Recently I've been engaging in quite a bit of Total War: Warhammer. I've actually been playing co-op for the first time since my son now owns the game. It runs surprisingly well on his older PC even at high quality settings. With the very recent release of perhaps the last large DLC (free in this case), I expect to spend quite a bit more time with it. The beauty of the game though is that the next full release in the series will be both a standalone game and "plug-in" to the existing game. In that way the campaign map will get even larger and the number of factions vying for power will only increase.

    Aside from that, I'm also planning to play Zelda: Breath of the Wild when the Nintendo Switch releases at the end of this week. That is assuming my pre-order turns up as I expect. It's my first console since the Wii, and Zelda and the optional portability of the system itself is what drew me to it.

    Next month, Stellaris: Utopia is definitely going to eat away at much of my free time.

    Other titles will also find their way into my schedule over the next month I suspect. Battle Brothers is for sure one I want to spend more time with once it officially releases.
  9. websunil

    websunil Cadet

    Feb 25, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
  10. JOM

    JOM Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    I play currently Panzer Corps (Battlefield Europe mod), WH40k Armageddon, Blood Bowl (Computer and Board), Tank Battle 1944 (Hexgames) and Battle for Normandy (Wargame from GMT).
  11. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    It's crude in many areas but if you try the demo you can get a feel for the particular devs ideas on designing ships.
    Didn't use Desura, (ever), The demo is available on Gamersgate and direct from the dev too. Either way, it's a pretty substantial demo and represents some innovations and ideas very well. Some of these ideas could be a good fit in TBS 4x games as they are. With a little creativity and some adjustments, these ideas could deliver even better immersion, fit in well and not be a headache to implement.

    P.S. Dig the avatar!
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2017
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  12. Vivisector 9999

    Vivisector 9999 Moderator Ensign

    Oct 19, 2016
    I have never tried Solar War, but when I checked out Adam Solo's review (with its link to the game on Desura)... I made the unpleasant discovery that Desura has been assimilated by OnePlay, which doesn't even seem to have Solar War.

    Luckily, it's on Steam now.
  13. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    Has anyone here played a game called Solar war?

    It is a one man indie title that is quite crude in some aspects but has some very intriguing and well thought out mechanics.

    On the Strategic level it is RTS but at the tactical TBS.

    This game offers a good example and execution of the less but more important ships concept as well as some other goodies such as ship design and promotable crew.

    For anyone interested there is also a good free demo of this game offered by the Dev.

    Do not consider this a plug for the game by the way, I bring it up because it has some interesting concepts that could apply to Project Space Sector with only minor modifications.

    So if you want, just Google it and give it a shot.

    (P.S. make sure you type Solar War and not Solar wars as the second is an entirely different animal)

    Adam Solo reviewed this game during alpha, the review is here
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
  14. IvanK

    IvanK Lieutenant

    Oct 17, 2016
    Me to, was spending time with family so no big forum activity from me either. After all these days I managed to finished a game of Starscape (360° space shooter where you can research equipment and design your ship) I've been sporadically playing last two months. And played another game of MoO 2, in last few runs AI (impossible difficulty) had laughably weak shields so I thought I could punish them with ion cannons but no, AI decided to play for real. It kept me on my toes for 400 turns, I had to reload twice (hyperspace flux while getting attacked is huge RNG cheese) and Mrrshan surprised me large fleet of high accuracy, high evasion (~240 beam defense from racial traits and cloaking device) doom stars with stellar converters. I had to resort to mauler devices.
  15. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    Hi Ivan K, hope your holidays are great.
    Doing the family thing these days but also had a chance to dust off a very old (8 bit) game that I used to play years ago. It seems that (with minor modifications), it could easily provide a game like Project Space Sector, a fun and quick tactical turn based ground combat component . With some luck, I will soon submit the idea here to see the reaction.

    Until next time, wishing everyone here and their loved ones a happy and healthy holiday season.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2016
  16. IvanK

    IvanK Lieutenant

    Oct 17, 2016
    I guess everybody is busy with winter holidays :)
  17. Cybermantas

    Cybermantas Cadet

    Nov 9, 2016
    Good to see someone playing Polaris. I feel that game didn't get enough recognition (over competition or Stellaris let's say).

    On Polaris as an unrelated topic, my personal preference in a space game has been combat. If this is backed with detailed ship-design, it's even better. With this context, I like Polaris for the following reasons:

    1. Decent exploratory phase - Lots of stars to cover. Fuel restrictions require to come back. Limited varieties of planets (Earth-like, Ocean, 2-3 types of inhospitable planets which can be colonised with technologies). Overall fast paced.
    2. Fancy research terms with interlinked tree - Lots of techs to be researched. Divided into fundamental sciences (Maths, Physics, etc.) and Applied Sciences (Specialised fancy technologies that you research). Gives you a nice dose of realism. Mostly equipment/weapon based advances. Very limited in terms of productivity enhancements

    The really funky implementations are the following

    1. Very limited colony building and management, mostly automated - Having played so many 4X games, I have grown tired of city building. City building is best left to Civilization or earth/planet based games. Space is for fighting (personal opinion). I like MOO1's implementation the best - 5 sliders. This has something similar - 3-4 categories of buildings - either farms for food, factories for production (land factories and orbital factories), 6 kinds of mines for raw materials needed, R&D labs and defense/misc. buildings. No need to spend loads of time figuring out how best to maximise efficiency. You can decide to have whole planet focus on one activity (planet specialization is a thing) and you are home.

    2. Ship design - I love love the ship design. Gets a bit tiresome after a while (only because one is trying to fit in one additional equipment in a spaceship floor), but the amazing thing is what they have managed to achieve with respect to old weapons vs new weapons. By default, old weapons turn out to be less efficient in terms of power (and hence spaceship cost) vs new weapons, BUT, new weapons require rare metals (bringing us to the mines we mentioned earlier) which could be in short supply. So, over a long term, no technology is completely outdated, because even though it may be inefficient, its cheaper. MOO1 also had something similar which was reflected via "miniaturization", but this is a better implementation.

    3. Combat - What all of the above results in is a fast paced game, where exploration and colonization phase do not take up too much time and allow you to spend more time on planning space conquest and space battles. Space battles are unfortunately real-time, but with speed settings of 0.5x to 64.0x and ship weaponry attributes such as direction, ranged, shields, hangars, etc. all being taken into account, I think its a great experience.

    Sorry for the long off-topic post. Just thought Polaris doesn't get enough recognition for doing a few things differently and well. It may not be a pure 4X or appeal to the larger group of 4X players, but for a combat oriented crowd, it is a must check-out.

    Back on the topic, I spend my time on Dota 2 and Witcher 3. Waiting for a great 4X or a nice simulation (business, tycoon, city building) game to come about.
  18. aReclusiveMind

    aReclusiveMind Developer Grand Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
    I'm pretty pleased that for the past week or so, at least since Civilization VI released, I've been able to dedicate my PC gaming time to it without getting side tracked. It's fun, but the AI needs some work if it's going to offer a challenge to most veteran players. I am by no means a Civ expert, but I just won a pretty risk free Deity difficulty game. As it is the highest difficulty, I was pretty surprised to find the AI failing to take advantage of my near non-existent military mid/late game. I might start a third session, but I'll probably wait for a patch now.

    I was hoping to get a key for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game as the closed beta started last week, but I've had no luck so far. I signed up back in mid-September. As someone who is also a fan of CCGs, I see a lot of potential in it and am excited to do some deck building whenever I get my hands on it.

    Next up I'll either dive into Stellaris or Total War: Warhammer I suspect.
  19. tindrli

    tindrli Cadet

    Oct 20, 2016
    currently having a blast with "nexus jupiter incident"
  20. Laurence

    Laurence Cadet

    Oct 15, 2016
    I've been in limbo since Diablo III season 7 ended. Hopefully in about 30 hours I'll be playing Civilization VI.