Most frequent questions and answers

To download the game or update to the latest version, just use your existing download link from humble bundle, as new versions will automatically be available there. If anybody has trouble finding the email with the link you can use the order resender and Humble Bundle will send you a list of your download pages. The game package is compressed with zip. If you have problem with zip files please download 7zip or Winrar.

Note: Don’t forget to claim your humble page, so you can obtain the page link to download the game later on in case you need it. Please contact us If you’re having trouble getting the page link from humble.

After downloading, you just need to uncompress the zip file, and run the setup executable to install the game. If you want to keep the previous version you can choose a different installation folder during the setup procedure.

You can get the game from our Humble Bundle widget here. By buying the game now through the humble widget you get immediate access to the current game build and will receive all future updates including the final release.
Yes. The game is not yet on Steam but we definitely plan to be on Steam in the near future, at which point we should be able to get Steam keys for all the people who wish it and pre-order now.
So, if you pre-order now you will get access to the full game through Steam as soon as we offer the game there without having to pay again.

We commit to have a DRM-free version always available to our customers, now, in all future updates and after we release.

Our initial projection was for a Q4 2018 release. However, the new release date was set to Q2 2019. The final release data for the full release of the game is July 2019.

We are at Alpha, and the game is virtually feature complete. 

The game is fully playable but there are still some missing and placeholder graphics, music and sound effects, as for some features that are still being improved, as for overall balance and AI enhancements to be made. So, expect some incompleteness and rough edges still.

We have a section in our forums dedicated to bug reporting. If you have a bug or other technical problem with the game, then that’s the place to go.

The reason to open pre-orders with instant access now is twofold:

We have reached a stage in the project where we think the game, albeit incomplete, is already in an acceptable shape to be played and enjoyed by the public, especially by the hardcore 4X and strategy gaming community. As a community-driven project, we expect to collect a lot more feedback from everyone who pre-order, still in a relatively early stage of development, so that we can improve the current design and be able to provide a great game at release for everybody. We have forums set up so that everyone can discuss the game here.

The other main reason to open pre-orders now is to secure additional funds to buy better graphics, cutscenes, music and sound effects for the game, so that we can upgrade the production values considerably and be able to deliver a great experience for everyone at release.

So, if you, like us, believe that we can make a great turn-based space 4X game and a worthy spiritual successor to Master of Orion 2, then please buy now and you’ll be a supporter of the project and you’ll have the opportunity to see how the game evolves and have a say on how it improves over time. Also, the price will go up a bit at release.

  • OS: 64-bit Windows 10 / 8.x / 7 (32-bit Windows not supported)
    Processor: Dual Core Processor
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD 4000 series / ATi Radeon HD 4650 series / NVidia GeForce GT 610 or better / or a graphics card with 512MB+ video memory.
  • Minimum 1280 x 720 resolution
  • Storage: 4 GB available disk space
Note: The game is for Windows (64-bit) only at the moment. We may have Mac and Linux versions some time after release.

If you are using an antivirus or a firewall program, it might give you warnings when running ISG’s executable, or even quarantine the EXE and not let you run the game. We can assure you that this is a false positive. To solve this, you can try to add the game as an exception in your firewall/antivirus. Also, you can try running the game in administrator mode, if the problem still persists.


Absolutely. Anyone who wants to write a preview or do a youtube video, please go for it! Everyone is free, and encouraged, to stream and write about ISG from this point forward.

Modding is part of our plan. We will be evaluating modding support including when it will be available and the best way to achieve it in the coming months. What we can say for now is that it should be possible to modify technologies, leaders, and other areas via simple XML editing. This may also include changing images and/or adding 3D models, but we’ll have to see. So, please check again in the near future and we may have more news on that.

In windows 10 they are in: Drive:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\Praxis Games\ISG

You can pan the combat view by pressing your mouse right button and by moving your mouse while keeping the button pressed, or by using the keys WASD.

No. deleting (or changing) a design does not mean that the already built ships will be scrapped. The ships are built and the relation with the game design slots ends there.

You can find the game’s quick start guide manual inside the folder that contains the game. Alternatively, you can also download the guide from the humble bundle link. If you can’t find the email with the link you can use the order resender and Humble Bundle will send you your download page.

Alternatively, here’s a link to the quick start guide.

Copyright @2018 :

 Interstellar Space: Genesis | 4X Turn-Based Strategy.

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