System 'frozen'

Discussion in 'Bug Reports / Tech Support' started by medway, Nov 4, 2018.

  1. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Thanks, we'll have a look asap.
  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    I was not able to reproduce the error, unfortunately. My theory is that something happened in turn 4 that compromised the game state and then when you pressed end turn you got a freeze on turn 5. However, you mention that you had that happen 2 or 3 times already between turn 5 to 8, so it seems to be something that happens around those turns and not only on turn 4. I played a few sessions from turn 4 to 9 without getting any error, so it's some factor I'm not considering in my analysis.

    Next time this happens to you let us know what you remember doing in that turn, before you get the error, or if you experienced any kind of anomaly before you got the end turn freeze.

    Also, if you have the save from that game on turn 3 or before please send it to us.


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